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Types of Test Anxiety PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Test Anxiety and Test Taking Test Anxiety and Tips to Overcome it Before, During and After of Test Taking
Slide 2 - Types of Test Anxiety Facilitating test anxiety: helps motivate us to prepare before and work hard during the exam Debilitating test anxiety: prevents us from functioning in a normal way
Slide 3 - Symptoms of Test Anxiety Headaches Nausea Sweaty hands Perspiration Rapid heart beat
Slide 4 - Symptoms cont. Tense muscles Loss of appetite Difficulty sleeping before the exam Inability to concentrate and focus (some students experience a mental block)
Slide 5 - Causes of Test Anxiety Poor study habits Inadequate preparation Worrying several days prior to test about your performance Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself Succumbing to the pressures that others exert on you (parents, siblings, friends, etc.)
Slide 6 - Causes cont. Pressure to maintain a certain GPA due to scholarships or probation status Lack of knowledge about how to prepare for an exam Limited knowledge of test-taking strategies Cultural or societal attitudes about success in college Beliefs about grades and failing Concerns about the future
Slide 7 - Managing Test Anxiety Analyze the cause(s) of your anxiety Use positive self-talk. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” or “I don’t know this,” say “I can do this,” “I know this stuff,” “I’m prepared,” “I’m going to think it through and I’m going to figure it out.”
Slide 8 - Managing Test Anxiety cont. Preparation is the best way to control anxiety. Monitor your learning. Change your attitude Don’t overplay the importance of one grade Show what you know There will be other tests Avoid thinking in irrational or all-or-nothing terms Reward yourself after the test!!
Slide 9 - Managing Test Anxiety cont. Tests’ power is limited. It does not measure general intelligence, character, creativity, or value. Accept the fact that you won’t know the answer to every question and will get something wrong – move on
Slide 10 - Day of the Test Eat breakfast! Avoid caffeine. Relax the last hour before the test, cramming will only make you more anxious Arrive a little early but not too early so you can get a seat away from distractions Avoid classmates that make you anxious If waiting makes you nervous, read a magazine or paper or listen to your Ipod before the test.
Slide 11 - During the Test Give yourself praise. Tell yourself “I can be anxious later, now is the time to take the exam.” Avoid negative thoughts. Focus on answering questions, not the grade. Tense and relax muscles throughout your body; take a few slow, deep breaths. If allowed, go to the bathroom or get a drink. Ask the instructor a question Visualize success Think about the post-exam reward you promised yourself.
Slide 12 - During the Test cont. Maintain a positive attitude. Recite a postitive mental script. Come prepared Read instructions Skim test Write any important points you don’t want to forget in the margins Answer easiest questions first to build your confidence Check all answers for errors before turning in exam
Slide 13 - During the Test cont. Devise a plan Budget your time: pace yourself Know how much each question is worth; answer what is worth the most points See if the answer to one question will help you answer another Review the entire exam after you complete it Go back over the difficult questions Use caution when changing answers
Slide 14 - Taking the Test – By Type Essay Read question carefully, underlining key words Be brief – write an outline first Start with an introductory sentence (containing the answer to the question), followed by main ideas supported by details, facts, dates and examples One idea = One paragraph Add transitional words like first, second, third, also, however, etc. Add a summary Proofread and revise as needed Length is not as important as content/completeness
Slide 15 - Taking the Test – By Type cont. Multiple Choice Read instructions carefully Before looking at answers, answer question in your head Read through all answers Look for absolutes (always, never) Be careful of double negatives Check for look-alikes = answers that differ by only by a word or two; chances are one of them is going to be correct. Work to eliminate answers
Slide 16 - Taking the Test – By Type cont. Multiple Choice cont. Get rid of foolish options – instructors sometimes use answer choices that are not options at all “All of the above” is usually correct – allows instructor to give you several facts instead of just one Long answer is seldom wrong – means the instructor has over-qualified the correct option in order to ensure that it is completely correct Educated guess – eliminate false answers and look for errors
Slide 17 - Taking the Test – By Type cont. True/False You have a 50/50 chance of getting the question right Carefully read key words that can determine the overall meaning of the statement Look for Qualifiers – words that make the statement more specific and complex 100% words -- Ex: always, never, entirely, best, none, all, no, every, only, etc. These statements are usually false. In-Between words – Ex: usually, often, generally, seldom, many, frequently, sometimes, most, etc. These statements are usually true.
Slide 18 - Taking the Test – By Type cont. True/False cont. Negatives – more than no or not. Can also be prefixes that turn the word into the opposite (legal, illegal). To determine if statement is true or false: Take out all the negatives from the sentence and see if it is now true or false. Count the number of negatives. Negatives = even, then statement is same as the one with no negatives. Negatives = odd, then statement is opposite of the statement with no negatives. Do not read too much into the statement Carefully read questions with two-part statements – both sections must be true or false to determine answer The longer the sentence, the more likely it is to be false. Assume a statement is true until you determine it is false Do not guess based upon the pattern or number of true and false statements Guess!
Slide 19 - Taking the Test – By Type cont. Matching Read through all answers to make sure that it is the best answer; if not, it can cause several wrong answers Match those you know for sure first Eliminate those used Be methodical. Work your way down the left –hand side of the page. Short answer, fill in the blank Carefully read instructions Be brief and to the point. Use the facts only, no frills. Watch grammar
Slide 20 - After the Exam Make an evaluation after the performance, whatever the grade Learn from errors See if grading errors were made See if you need to study one content area more Make sure you are studying the correct material Lecture vs. Textbook If final is cumulative, these reviews will be helpful
Slide 21 - Homework Read Chapters 5-7 in your online StrengthsQuest text. Due Oct. 30, 2007. Exploring Your Uniqueness Through StrengthsQuest – Due Nov. 1, 2007.