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The Nature of Science PowerPoint Presentation

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The Nature of Science Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - The Nature of Science To be scientifically literate, science students should have deeper understandings of science that studying the Nature of Science (NOS) provides.
Slide 2 - Write an account of what you think happened based on what you see here. NOS Example
Slide 3 - How does your story change? NOS Example continued
Slide 4 - NOS Example How does your story change?
Slide 5 - What do you observe? What do you infer? Compare what you think now to your earlier written accounts. NOS Example continued
Slide 6 - Some Aspects of NOS Scientific knowledge is tentative. Scientific knowledge has basis in empirical evidence. There is a difference between data and evidence. Scientific laws and theories are separate kinds of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is based upon observations and inferences. Scientific knowledge is heavily dependent upon theories.
Slide 7 - Some Aspects of NOSContinued Scientific knowledge is created from human imagination and logical reasoning. Scientific knowledge can be obtained by a variety of scientific methods. Scientific observations are inherently subjective based on interpretations. Science is a human endeavor influenced by society and culture.
Slide 8 - Observation and Inference There are differences between observations and the inferences made based on observations. Based on the same data, and scientists’ prior experiences, different inferences can be made, which lead to difference conclusions. Some of these are right and some are wrong. Attempting to sort this out is what science is about!
Slide 9 - The Nature of ScienceThe Mystery Tube Show an example tube Students construct a tube Relate to scientific models and theories. Have students describe how this is similar to something in the course content.
Slide 10 - The Nature of ScienceObservations and Theories Pulling on ropes were the observations. Your various models are the theories to explain the observation. The same observations, or data, may be used as evidence for several models or theories.
Slide 11 - The Nature of ScienceObservations and Theories RECALL THE OBSERVATIONS Daily east to west motion of celestial sphere. Sun’s annual motion from west to east. Seasons Phases of the moon. Eclipses. Planetary motions and configurations.
Slide 12 - The Nature of ScienceObservations and Theories RECALL THE THEORIES