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The Flute PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional The Flute powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on The Flute in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - The Flute By: Danielle Kremer & Jaelyn Pena Please hold all your questions and comments for the end! Thank You
Slide 2 - The flute is one of the earliest known musical instruments!
Slide 3 - People have been playing the flute for 40,000 years!
Slide 4 - The oldest flute found was made from a bear’s femur!
Slide 5 - Nobody knows who invented the flute, but they do know that Theobald Boehm improved the flute.
Slide 6 - About Theobald Boehm!!! He was born-April 9, 1794 He died- November 27, 1881 Theobald was born in Munich in Bavaria. Theobald’s father was a goldsmith and taught his son how to work with metal. After making his own flute, Boehm quickly became capable enough to play in an orchestra at the age of eighteen. At twenty-one, he was the first flautist in the Royal Bavarian Orchestra.
Slide 7 - This is Munich in Bavaria.
Slide 8 - The sound of a flute is made by air vibrating in the tube. The pitch is changed by Opening and closing the Keys!
Slide 9 - There are many different kinds of flutes such as: Piccolo Irish Flute PENNY WHISTLE ALTO FLUTE TENOR FLUTE
Slide 10 - Flutes have been made out of bone or wood, but now they are mostly made out of metal. A wood flute!!! A bone flute!!!
Slide 11 - Professional flutes can be made of: Silver Gold Platinum And beginners use: Nickel Silver Brass
Slide 12 - Standard concert flutes are pitched in the key of C, and play just about 3 octaves!
Slide 13 - Flutes are used in concert bands, marching bands, orchestras, jazz, and rock bands.
Slide 14 - THE END