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Smartphone Physics and Engineering PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Smartphone Physics and Engineering powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Smartphone Physics and Engineering in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Smartphone Physics and Engineering Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Smartphones in Physics and Engineering Education Dr. Shakur “Doc” Taylor Sinatra
Slide 2 - And the $1 Billion Winner is …
Slide 3 - Smart … Very Smart! Compelling piece of technology Microprocessor and Operating System Haptic System (Touchscreen) Array of sensors included Three-axis accelerometer Gyroscope Gaussmeter (Magnetometer) TRRS Headphone input / output Microphones Speakers
Slide 4 - Monkey See … Monkey Do!
Slide 5 - Gotcha!
Slide 6 - Antisymmetric Tracks … and the winner is?
Slide 7 - Symmetry-breaking in Classical Physics
Slide 8 - Atwood’s Machine Measure gravity by “slowing it down” Measured by hanging two slightly different masses and reading the acceleration
Slide 9 - Atwood’s Machine Smartphone is placed in a plastic bag App measures the acceleration Data compared to theory 99% accurate
Slide 10 - Acceleration App Today is your lucky day! Everybody in the audience gets it FREE!
Slide 11 - Centripetal Acceleration Lab The phone is placed on a turntable and the app is run a = mv2 /r
Slide 12 - 20th Century 21st Century
Slide 13 - Frequency and Oscilloscope
Slide 14 - Android Bluetooth Remote for Lego Mindstorm NXT
Slide 15 - Quantum Mystery
Slide 16 - THE Book!
Slide 17 - MIT App Inventor App Inventor is Free Simple pre-coded blocks make it relatively easy to use
Slide 18 - Blocks Editor
Slide 19 - Future Exploration Smartphones have become indispensable Ideas for future laboratories Oscilloscope and Signalscope App Gaussmeter for magnetic fields Gyroscope for angular speed Smartphones can reduce lab budget significantly Students are excited about using smartphones
Slide 20 - Android Emulator on the PC
Slide 21 - Install App
Slide 22 - That’s All Folks …