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Secure Networks PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Secure Networks powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Secure Networks in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

The uploader spent his/her valuable time to create this Secure Networks powerpoint presentation slides, to share his/her useful content with the world. This ppt presentation uploaded by worldwideweb in Computers & Web ppt presentation category is available for free download,and can be used according to your industries like finance, marketing, education, health and many more.

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Slide 1 - New Data Regulation Law 201 CMR 17.00
Slide 2 - TJX Video
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Slide 6 - Minimum Requirements Secure Access control measures Secure user authentication protocols Monitoring for unauthorized access Encrypt PI that is or would be transmitted wirelessly
Slide 7 - Minimum Requirements Encryption of all PI on portable media Laptop Smartphones PDA’s Up to date Firewall and Security Patch Protection Up to date security agent software Virus Protection Malware Employee Training
Slide 8 - W.I.S.P. Create a policy that encompasses the entire organization – develop a Security Policy to Safeguard PI Identify existing PI Advise senior management if current technology places PI at risk Define rules for protecting PI that covers both paper and electronic records
Slide 9 - W.I.S.P. Ensure all Employees that have access to PI records are trained in safeguarding Ongoing training through workplaces posters and e-mails Signed polices provide audit trail IT policies are important too.. Your login credentials are the “keys to the kingdom”
Slide 10 - Safeguards for PI Store Hardcopies Restrict Access Monitor Access Establish “Location” Policy Scan Hardcopies Store Electronically Restrict Access Monitor Access Shred Hardcopies
Slide 11 - Safeguards for PI Encrypt all Laptops entire hard disk drive, PDA’s memory, and Smartphone's that hold PI against loss or theft PI data is unreadable even if disk drive is moved to another Laptop Unlocking disk encryption requires proper username and password, or more Or Encrypt PI files stored on Mobile Devices
Slide 12 - Safeguards for PI PI data stored on Portable Media (ex. DVD or USB drives) must be encrypted Recommendation: Use software that encrypts any data stored on Portable Media, or has Port Control to prevent users from copying to Portable Media All Backup Tapes or External Hard Drives software must be encrypted.
Slide 13 - Safeguards for PI If PI is sent across a wireless network, it MUST be encrypted Patch Management must be up to date Up to date Anti Virus Companies Firewall is to be up to date Wireless encrypted with security access
Slide 14 - Safeguards for PI E-mails containing PI must be encrypted if sent via the internet. E-mail “Content Filtering” electronically searches the body of the e-mail and attachments for PI E-mails with PI will be automatically encrypted before traveling over the internet.
Slide 15 - Safeguards for PI For Third Party Vendors, you should obtain written certification of compliance with MA Privacy Regulations from business partners you share PI data with IT Companies Payroll Company Benefit Companies 401(k) Life Insurance Insurance Caution: E-mail communications with these parties frequently involve PI data – ensure those e-mails are encrypted
Slide 16 - Safeguards for PI Survey employees for other resting spots for PI data (ex: unlocked filing cabinets, portable media, briefcases at homes, etc. USB Flash Drives DVD CD
Slide 17 - Safeguards for PI Terminating Employee’s Disable User right away Redirect E-mail to another user Remove Remote Access Don’t allow ex employee near PI
Slide 18 - Recap Thumb drive has info from the state Massdatalaw.com Free trail version of Safe House Kevin@securebiznetworks.com