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Overview Chicken Pox PowerPoint Presentation

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Overview Chicken Pox Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Chicken Pox By Angelica Carrillo, Cristal Cardona, Bibiana Benites, and Eli Leon
Slide 2 - What is Chicken Pox? Chicken pox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. People who get the virus often develop a rash of spots that looks like blisters all over their bodies.The blisters are small and sit on a area of red skin that can be anywhere from the size of a pencil, eraser to the size of a dime.
Slide 3 - What are the Symptoms? The early symptoms of chicken pox may include cold symptoms, fever, abdominal pain, headaches and a general feeling of illness. These can come with the rash or a day or two before it. The fever may be high the first few days.
Slide 4 - Treating Chicken Pox with Folk Medicine aloe vera garlic lemon ginger St. John’s Wort calendula lantana echinacea valerian
Slide 5 - Treating Chicken Pox with Scientific Medicine Tylenol Claritin Calamine Lotion Benadryl Zyrtec
Slide 6 - Bibliography Googleimages.com health.target.com Kids health.org