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Nutrition and balanced diet PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Nutrition and balanced diet powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Nutrition and balanced diet in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Nutrition and Health AQA 11.2 b1a gcse
Slide 2 - Diet - the basics Healthy diets are balanced in the context of Proteins – build muscle and cells Carbohydrates- starch and sugars - energy Fats and oils – cell membranes and energy Minerals and vitamins - health Fibre – helps food move through the intestine Water – hydration of the body
Slide 3 - Eat more of some and less of others
Slide 4 - What is malnutrition?
Slide 5 - Health and Body image What factors influence how we see ourselves? Advertising? Models, film stars or famous people? Popular music culture Who are most vulnerable to images of so called ‘desirable’ body shape and size?
Slide 6 - What do you think?
Slide 7 - Anorexia – physiological disease
Slide 8 - Lack of food and health problems Deficiencies – there are so many you don’t need to know any – (Scurvy – lack of vitamin C is one) BUT you must know that ‘starvation’ causes: Reduced resistance to disease. Irregular periods in women -
Slide 9 - Obesity How would you describe an obese person? Where does being overweight stop and obesity start?
Slide 10 - Obesity – is also malnutrition However it can be linked to a persons genes, some families are more likely to become overweight without careful dietary control, particularly when linked with poor exercise routine
Slide 11 - TOO MUCH FOOD AND TOO LITLE EXERCISE WILL LEAD TO Arthritis – worn joints Diabetes – high blood sugar level High blood pressure Heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular)
Slide 12 - A question of balance To maintain your weight Energy intake = energy output Does a bricklayer need to eat more than a teacher? Do Eskimos need to eat more high energy foods than us?
Slide 13 - Height to weight ratio
Slide 14 - Body mass index BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater BMI = weight Kg ÷ height2 m2 Doctors can assess whether people are obese using BMI – however it is not totally reliable. What is your BMI?
Slide 15 - Fast foods High in fats and salt – not good if eaten to excess.
Slide 16 - Diets – which do you choose? Atkins G.I diet Weight watchers F-plan and the rest