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Mechanical Properties of Red Blood Cell Membranes PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 1 Mechanical Properties of Red Blood Cell Membranes Yun Ge yge@colorado.edu Supervisor: Dr. H.Jerry Qi Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder
Slide 2 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 2 Motivations Study the relations between red blood cell membrane structure and the mechanical properties. Lay the foundations for future study on cell disease due to structure defects.
Slide 3 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 3 Background Human Red Blood Cell Membrane Structure
Slide 4 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 4 Spectrin Network’s Structure The left figure is the putative location of the structural elements of the spectrin network.
Slide 5 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 5 Failure Kinds of Cell’s Membrane Weakening of spectrin-spectrin linkages damage membrane mechanical integrity and cohesion. (Hereditary Elliptocytosis) Separating bilayer-spectrin network linkages decrease membrane cohesion. (Hereditary Spherocytosis) Increaseing of bilayer-spectrin network linkages increase the membrane rigidity but it is mechanical stable. (Hereditary Ovalocytic red cell) Increasing concentration of auxiliary structural proteins and membrane-associated will impede changes in the conformation of spectrin. (Oxygenate sickle red cell)
Slide 6 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 6 Previous Work The (composite) cell membrane structure is modeled using a hyperelastic effective continuum material. Advantages of this model – simple and easy to simulation Disadvantage of this model – ignore the interaction between the lipid bilayer and the spectrin network
Slide 7 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 7 Objective Develop the model of the membrane structure of red cell by including influence of the lipid bilayer Use the new model to explore the mechanical properties of red blood cell membrane. Future aim: predict the deformation of the diseased cell.
Slide 8 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 8 Research Approach Literature research and familiar with the software – ABAQUS and UMAT Developing the numerical simulation model accounting for the cell structure and mechanical behavior of filamentous networks. Compare the new model With the existing experiment result. With prediction from other former constitutive models
Slide 9 - Introduction to Research Fall 2004 9 The End Thank you! 