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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - By: Sandor Schlaffer BALD EAGLES
Slide 2 - BALD EAGLEby: Sandor Schlaffer Bald Eagles are the symbol of our nation. Bald Eagles live in every state of the U.S. except for Hawaii
Slide 3 - BALD EAGLES Bald Eagles habitat ranges from the Continental U.S., Canada, Alaska and the Aleutian islands. Bald eagles use the same nest year after year.
Slide 4 - BALD EAGLE 80% of all the U.S.’s Bald Eagles live in FL. Bald eagles can actually swim! They use an over hand motion much like humans
Slide 5 - Bald Eagles Bald Eagles will actually resort to eating dead fish if they cant find any live fish. An average full-grown bald eagle can weigh anywhere from .9-1.4 kilograms
Slide 6 - Bald Eagles Eagles nesting habits are very strange. Nests don’t usually get built until after a mate is found. The building of the nests is done by both male and female
Slide 7 - BALD EAGLE The Bald Eagles live in areas ranging from Florida, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Canada, and the United States. Bald Eagles can really swim, they use an overhand movement much like humans.
Slide 8 - BALD EAGLES The Bald Eagle lives in the Aleutian Islands, the continental U.S., Alaska, and Canada.