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ID247Rummy Different Types of Rummy Sequences PowerPoint Presentation

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ID247Rummy Different Types of Rummy Sequences Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - ID247Rummy: Different Types of Rummy Sequences https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 2 - Rules to make rummy sequences https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 3 - Pure sequences You could make a series of low-factor playing cards, excessive-factor playing cards, or face playing cards. A "natural" series is a set of 3 or extra playing cards of the identical healthy, positioned in consecutive order. You can't shape a natural series with a wildcard or a joker card. To claim the sport, you want to have at least one natural series for your rummy hand. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 4 - Impure sequences In the online rummy free game, an impure series is a set of three or more identical playing cards with one or more wildcards or joker playing cards. A legitimate statement can include impure sequences; however, one natural sequence is compulsory. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 5 - Types of Sequences in Rummy https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 6 - Sequence of low factor playing cards A series of low-factor playing cards is an association of playing cards from 2 to 5. If you have 2, 3, 4, or 5, you have a low series of playing cards. Check that those playing cards all belong to the same person. For example, the 2, 3, and 4 of hearts are a legitimate series of low-factor playing cards. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 7 - Sequence of excessive factor playing cards A series of playing cards, which includes playing cards from 6 to ten and the face playing cards, is referred to as the "series of excessive factor playing cards." For example, 6, 7, eight of diamonds or 9, 10, J of hearts, etc. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 8 - Sequence of face playing cards A series of face cards consists of Kings, Queens, and Jacks. When you are making a series of photo playing cards, the playing cards are scored as 11, 12, and 13 for J, Q, and K, respectively. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 9 - Rummy is a mind game that requires regular exercise to master. There are many regulations and techniques that you need to learn to develop as a rummy player. In rummy, for example, the natural series and impure series are two essential components of the game. If you recognize it well, you've got the edge over different players. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 10 - In India, the Online Rummy Free Game already has a large fan base. Rummy is a popular card game that has been a part of Indian culture for centuries. The offline version's popularity has encouraged the online update's growth. ID247Rummy is one of the most popular online rummy platforms, where players may try their hand at a variety of Sequences In Rummy. It is completely legal to play online rummy games at ID247 Rummy . Sign up to win amazing prizes and get a chance to win real money. https://id247rummy.com/
Slide 11 - Play Rummy Now! https://id247rummy.com/ https://id247rummy.com/