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How to Setup Amazon Echo Dot-Best Guide Here PowerPoint Presentation

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How to Setup Amazon Echo Dot-Best Guide Here Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Setup Amazon Echo Dot: Best Guide
Slide 2 - Amazon Echo dot Amazon Echo dot is making big waves nowadays. Echo Dot is a smart voice-controlled bluetooth speaker with Alexa as its personal assistant connected to it through Wi-Fi. It is available in compact size i.e. the size of a softball.
Slide 3 - Read this article to find the information on how to Set Up an Amazon Echo Dot. The whole Echo setup process is simple and easy to customize provided with a strong Wi-Fi connection and the updated version of the Alexa app. While the Amazon Echo Setup process is commenced, make sure that the Echo device is far away from the devices causing interference, for instance, microwaves or other electronic devices.
Slide 4 - What Is Needed For The Successful Echo Setup: Alexa app Echo dot device Strong Wi-Fi connection Alexa works as the brain of the Echo dot. New features are automatically adjoined to Alexa. Therefore, Download the Alexa app from the play store or update it before starting the setup process .Because Alexa app is the one from which the whole process commences and lasts with. Read Also: Alexa Red Ring Meansing and How to Fix it?
Slide 5 - Steps to be followed for the Amazon Echo Setup to work: Plug in the Echo Dot device using the micro USB cable. Open the Alexa app on your phone. On the bottom menu of the Alexa App, tap “Devices”. Click the + sign to add a new echo device. From here Amazon echo, echo, Echo Dot, and more can be selected. Select the devices. Follow the instructions to set up the devices: such as connecting your Echo Dot to the power supply. It will take about 30 seconds. After the devices get paired, Enter the Wi-Fi Network name and password. Continue to follow the prompts in the app to finish the setup process.
Slide 6 - Some tips to note while setting up the Echo Device If the new Echo device is not showing up in the Add New Devices menu or doesn't appear in this menu, check for the device to be plugged in or powered on. Once it is visible in the menu, select it and pair it with the bluetooth device. When the devices are being paired, the Echo device will indicate the pairing with orange light. In case, the orange light goes missing means disappears suddenly, while the devices are not paired yet, press the action button and hold it. This will return the echo device to setup mode. But if the blue light keeps on spinning and doesn’t turn orange, restart the echo device.
Slide 7 - Final words: This article elaborates on the simple steps that can be followed for setting up the Amazon Echo Dot. The entire Echo Setup process takes only a maximum of 5 minutes. The Amazon Echo Set Up is ready to use as a smart speaker device and Alexa works as its virtual assistant. Read Also the: Echo Plus Setup