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Helping People Maintain Exercise PowerPoint Presentation

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Helping People Maintain Exercise Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Helping People Maintain Exercise
Slide 2 - First Question What is your primary motivation to exercise on a regular basis? Write the first reason that comes to mind.
Slide 3 - Overview Outside-In: Intervention, extrinsic Inside-Out: Experience Intrinsic Mindset: Motivation comes from within Developing Intrinsic Mindset
Slide 4 - Two rules that apply to most people, NOT ALL: Most people do not MAINTAIN exercise behavior for disease reduction. Most people must develop an intrinsic mindset to MAINTAIN exercise.
Slide 5 - Approaches to helping people maintain exercise
Slide 6 - Approach 1 Outside-In Disease Information Future This approach deals with a “starter mindset” – Some kind of product related to a benefit
Slide 7 - Approach 2 Inside-Out Feels good Enjoy Mastery Present The inside-out approach is a “maintenance mindset.” You exercise because it makes you feel good, you love it, and you enjoy it!
Slide 8 - Do you want to enjoy?OrDo you want be burdened?
Slide 9 - How do you or how do we get people to move from extrinsic to an intrinsic mindset? Extrinsic Reduce risk of disease Lose weight Future Intrinsic Feels good Enjoy Mastery Present
Slide 10 - Find what you enjoy Ask what do you like to do for fun? Biking? Being outside? Dog park? Dancing? Hanging out with friends?
Slide 11 - Example with a Runner Jogger  Runner  Racer
Slide 12 - Jogger Starter mindset External reasons for exercising Extrinsic motivation
Slide 13 - Runner Intrinsic mindset They enjoy it It feels good
Slide 14 - Racer Challenge their run! KEEPING IT FUN!
Slide 15 - THE ZONE Three essential needs Personal Meaning Flow Inner-synergy
Slide 16 - Personal Meaning Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness Minimize comparisons Focus on task Ego and others
Slide 17 - Personal Meaning Cont. Association vs. Disassociation Step by Step for progression = MASTERY Help exercisers pay attention to what they are doing Breathing awareness Sensory awareness – smell touch feel Visualization Disassociation = Distraction Association = tuning in with your body
Slide 18 - Flow Make sure they have a goal Find ways of a measuring process Concentrate on what you’re doing Develop skills Help them not get bored
Slide 19 - Inner Synergy Movers Apply enhanced concentration to work and family Energy to do more Cohesion and social connection Integrate movement with other life breeds Love
Slide 20 - Exercise Social Mental Spiritual ZONE