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Full Overview of Networking PowerPoint Presentation

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Full Overview of Networking Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Effective Networking:Tips and Techniques Glenn Muske, Ph. D. Micro/Home-Based Business Specialist 405-744-9931 glenn.muske@okstate.edu
Slide 2 - Networking True or False -Networking means meeting other people People think true Seen in their actions But 95% of networking is a waste of time
Slide 3 - A Networking Example
Slide 4 - ppt slide no 4 content not found
Slide 5 - ppt slide no 5 content not found
Slide 6 - Georges Seurat Invitation to a Sideshow
Slide 7 - Networking defined: Widely-held definition - “I know it when I see it but can’t define it, explain it, or understand why I can’t make it work” Defined - The informal process of linking people to each other as resources; assisting, supporting, and helping others find the resources they need
Slide 8 - Also Known As Linking Rainmaking The “good ol’ boys” Schmoozing Connecting “6 degrees to Kevin Bacon”
Slide 9 - Why Network 2 Reasons – To connect with: Those who need me People I will need
Slide 10 - Another Way to Think About It More work/sales/customers Goal today is not making a sale Need help/Information Make another contact Build an informal advisory board/brain-trust/think tank Include other bus owners, assoc. members, experts, authors, regulators, consultants, people like you Want expertise, creativity, not “yes” people, know the industry, can be objective
Slide 11 - Network with: Competitors or Noncompetitive competitors Like-minded AND non-like minded Professional associations Referral partners Complimentary products/services Same/Different geographical area Business contact spheres – i.e., services Social contacts
Slide 12 - Networking Tips Positive attitude – Set objectives - Plan Be sincere Know what you want to say Not a sales pitch Be a good listener – 80% listen, 20% talk Thank people Offer help – Be a referral source for others Practice, practice, practice
Slide 13 - Networking Events Don’t arrive late – Best opportunities in first 30 minutes Dress appropriately Be the host – Take advantage of “no host” events Manage your time Plan how to meet people and how to move Give undivided attention Work the room Stand by the food – Everyone comes by
Slide 14 - What is a networking event? Anything and everything Working with a customer Giving a customer his or her bill Business conferences On a plane Social engagements On a golf course In church
Slide 15 - Networking Tools Your business card Business cards of others Name badge Brochures Notes – On back of cards Memory hooks Help others remember you Use them to remember others
Slide 16 - After the Event Notes Keep in contact Immediate - Remember your promises On-going – Set goals, # per day or week Send note cards – Hand-written is nice Make appointments Critique yourself – Learn from your mistakes Reward yourself Plan the next event
Slide 17 - Good Networking Is an attitude Takes work Does not happen overnight Not a one-way street Has a pay-off Is a process Is reciprocated Does not end
Slide 18 - Remember Remember your business card and your 10-second pitch You never know who might be a key contact And ….
Slide 19 - It’s NetWORK!!! Not Netsit or Neteat