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Exercise and Dialysis PowerPoint Presentation

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Exercise and Dialysis Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Exercise for Dialysis Patients Amanda Newberry, M.Ed. Exercise Physiologist University of Virginia Renal Services CRN Meeting November 2010
Slide 2 - Objectives To provide knowledge and supporting data on benefits of intradialytic exercise To encourage incorporating exercise into routine patient care plan To provide information on beginning a unit based exercise program To describe the procedures and operations of a current unit based exercise program
Slide 3 - Physical Functioning The ability of an individual to perform activities required in their daily lives. PF of dialysis patients is LOW!
Slide 4 - 1. Ware et al: Health Institute; 1994 Self-Reported Physical Functioning Scale ScoresResults from SF-36 Questionnaire 84 50 56 69 50
Slide 5 - (*Average VO2peak in 14 studies - pre EPO) Used with permission from P. Painter, PhD Oxygen Uptake in Adult Hemodialysis Patients*
Slide 6 - Measures of Physical Functioning Short Physical Performance Battery Gait speed (4 meters) Sit to stand (time for 5 ) Standing balance tests Other measures 6 min walk test
Slide 7 - 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 8 3 0 B a s e l i n e P o s t I n d . P o s t I n c t r . Seconds* * seconds taken to stand up and sit down 10 times p=.004 2. Rex Demonstration Project Painter, et al: AJKD 35(3): 482-492, 2000 Sit to Stand to Sit Test
Slide 8 - Physical Inactivity leads to… Overall decline in physical well-being Poor physical performance Fluid build up in tissues Loss of bone strength Loss of appetite Muscle wasting Hypertension Dependence Fatigue
Slide 9 - 3. Johansen K L: JASN Express, 2007 Relationship between sedentary behavior/low CRF and higher mortality among patients with ESRD
Slide 10 - Benefits
Slide 11 - Physiological Benefits Reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality Decreased use of antihypertensive medications Favorable adaptation of body composition Reduced C-reactive protein/increased albumin Improved removal of toxins by dialysis Improved exercise capacity Improved blood pressure control Improved lipid profile Esp increased HDL and reduced TG Increased hematocrit Prior to EPO therapy Improved glucose regulation
Slide 12 - Psychological Benefits Reduced subjective fatigue symptoms Improved perception of physical functioning Improved perception of general health Reduced anxiety Improved mental health Reduced experience of bodily pain Increased vitality Improved psychological profile Reduced anxiety, hostility, and depression, and increased participation in pleasant activities
Slide 13 - Functional Benefits Improved muscle strength Increased 6-min walk distance Reduced risk of falls in the elderly Maintenance of independence
Slide 14 - Clearance During dialysis: Urea removed from blood Urea retained in peripheral body compartments Urea and creatinine distributed in body water Muscle water content high Muscle mass = ~40-45% total body weight Much of solute mass will be held within muscles Some body tissue is unexposed to dialysis 4. Kong, et al: Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1999; 14: 2927-2931.
Slide 15 - Clearance After dialysis: Urea re-equilibrates and a rebound results Limits the efficiency of dialysis With exercise: Muscle blood flow increases Potential increase from 3-4ml/min per 100g to 80ml/min per 100g More tissue mass is exposed to the dialysis treatment 4. Kong, et al: Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1999; 14: 2927-2931.
Slide 16 - 4. Kong, et al: Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1999; 14: 2927-2931. Improved urea Kt/V with exercise
Slide 17 - Cramping Timing of exercise Type of exercise Intensity of exercise Start slowly, Progress gradually!!!
Slide 18 - Exercise: A Vital Sign
Slide 19 - Exercise Rx Surgeon General’s report: “significant health benefits can be obtained by including a moderate amount of physical activity….on most, if not all, days of the week”.
Slide 20 - American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) “Exercise Prescription: every patient, every visit, every time” www.exerciseismedicine.org
Slide 21 - Exercise is MedicineTM Guiding principles: Exercise and physical activity are important to health and the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases More should be done to address physical activity and exercise in healthcare settings ACSM and AMA are making efforts to bring a greater focus on physical activity and exercise in healthcare settings
Slide 22 - Program Implementation
Slide 23 - New Program Resources Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council (LORAC)5 “Exercise for the Dialysis Patient” A Guide for the Dialysis Team Author: Patricia Painter, PhD Staff Responsibility to Exercise Carlson L, Carey S. ACKD Vol 6, No 2 pp172-180, 19996
Slide 24 - Steps to developing an exercise program Gaining staff support Edu/inservice Case presentations Commitment to developing a program Group input Assurance of willingness of staff to participate Assess available resources Staff interest Teamwork Interested patients Local programs 6. Carlson L, Carey S. ACKD, 1999
Slide 25 - Steps to developing an exercise program Develop a program Smaller working groups (care planning, motivation/education, exercise programming) Staff responsibilities identified Facilitate a sense of ownership amongst staff Start program Start slowly (one shift, one bay, interested pts) Progress gradually Ongoing evaluation CQI Patient reassessment Patient programs 6. Carlson L, Carey S. ACKD, 1999
Slide 26 - UVA SitFit Exercise Program 8 Units 800 patients 50% patient participation 78% exercise compliance
Slide 27 - UVA SitFit Exercise Program One Exercise Physiologist Exercise Leader at each unit Technician or RN Monthly QAPI Reports Monthly Compliance Reports Quarterly Exercise Team meetings
Slide 28 - Beyond the science… Setting expectations Potential for patient to exercise Motivating a non-motivated patient
Slide 29 - Barriers to Exercise Sickness Fatigue Lack of equipment Lack of motivation Depression Lack of encouragement Most can be resolved through exercise!
Slide 30 - Influences on Patient Physical Activity Patient Physical Activity Physician Family Health Care System Health Care Workers Society 6. Carlson L, Carey S. ACKD, 1999
Slide 31 - Exercise Options Cycle (Monark) Hand Weights Ankle Weights Oxystepper
Slide 32 - Cycle
Slide 33 - ppt slide no 33 content not found
Slide 34 - Arm curls
Slide 35 - Toe Taps
Slide 36 - Lower Leg Raises
Slide 37 - Seated Marching
Slide 38 - Straight Leg Raises
Slide 39 - ppt slide no 39 content not found
Slide 40 - “Rear-End” Squeezes!!
Slide 41 - ppt slide no 41 content not found
Slide 42 - Contact Amanda Newberry, M.Ed University of Virginia Renal Services Exercise Program Coordinator Email: alh9t@virginia.edu Office: (434)243-6218
Slide 43 - Ware JE, Kosinski M, Keler SD. SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales: A User’s Manuel. 2nd ed. Boston: Health Institute; 1994. Painter P, Carlson L, Carey S, Paul SM, Myll J. Physical functioning and health related quality of life changes with exercise training in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 2000; 35(3):482-492. Johansen K. Exercise in the End-Stage Renal Disease Population. J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 1845-1854, 2007 Kong C, Tattersall J, Greenwood R, Farrington K. The effect of exercise during haemodialysis on solute removal. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1999; 14: 2927-2931. Carlson L, Carey S. Staff Responsibility to Exercise. ACKD Vol 6, No 2 (April) pp 172-180, 1999 Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council. Exercise: A Guide for the Dialysis Team. 1995; Table 2: pp 7.