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Desert Animals PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Desert Animals powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Desert Animals in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Desert Animals Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Desert Animals Listen to and read the pages about desert animals. When you have finished reading, click on the tan button to turn the page.
Slide 2 - This animal looks like an antelope, but lives in the desert. What could it be?
Slide 3 - Addax An addax has long horns. No two addax look the same. They all have brown hair, but their skin tones vary. Addax never drink water! Instead they get all the liquid they need from the food they eat.
Slide 4 - Are you “hopping” for a good clue? This animal lives in the deserts of Australia.
Slide 5 - Red Kangaroo Like many desert animals, red kangaroos prefer to sleep in the day, when the desert is at it’s hottest, and wake up at nighttime, when it is actually very cold. That explains why many animals have fur, even in hot deserts.
Slide 6 - There are many birds that are able to survive the harsh conditions of the desert. Here is one of them.
Slide 7 - Desert Lark The desert larks’ feathers are a light brown color, which means that it is well camouflaged in the desert sand.
Slide 8 - This final animal is famous for it’s humps. However, we already know that they do not have water in their humps.
Slide 9 - Camels Camels are well suited to survive the conditions of the desert. The hump in their back stores fat – they store water in the lining of their stomachs. Camels have extra long eyelashes to keep the sand out of their eyes, and big flat feet to help them walk through the sand.
Slide 10 - Now you are going to imagine that you have been on vacation at the desert. You are going to send a post card to your friends at school. Use the post card template on the next page to tell about the animals you have seen at the desert, and describe what one of them was doing.