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Child Abuse (Recognition and Response) PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Child Abuse Recognition and ResponseCommunity Services Board Molly M. Clemmitt, LCSW Department of Human Services Arlington County
Slide 2 - Overview Scope of Abuse Mandated Reporting Liability Types of Abuse Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect Sexual Abuse Making a Report Working with Child Protective Services
Slide 3 - Scope of Child Abuse in US* 60,000 reports processed weekly 3.5 million children received a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation. 877,000 children were found to be either abused or neglected * US Department of Health and Human Services 2004 Statistics
Slide 4 - Perpetrators 84 % Parents 39% by mothers acting alone 18% by fathers acting alone 18% abused by both 10% Other caregivers Unmarried partners, guardians, other caretakers, etc. 10% Other
Slide 5 - Scope of Child Abuse in Virginia* 31, 000 reports made 45, 000 children were reported 39,000 caretakers were reported 4,200 founded cases 31 children died as a result of abuse * VA Department of Social Services 2005 Statistics
Slide 6 - Victims 52% Girls 48% Boys The younger the child, the greater likelihood of abuse/neglect
Slide 7 - Victims—Children with Disabilities Disabled children are at higher risk for abuse/neglect (~ 7.5% of all cases reported) WHY Caregiver lack of knowledge/resources Caregiver frustration Child’s lack of communication or ability to defend Child may be unknowing/willing to trust regardless Society’s devaluation of disabled children
Slide 8 - Mandated Reporters “The following persons who, in their professional or official capacity, have reason to suspect that a child (under age 18) is an abused or neglected child, shall report the matter immediately (within 72 hours)…”
Slide 9 - Who are Mandated Reporters? Teachers or others employed by schools Physicians, nurses, hospital residents or interns Christian Science Practitioners Mental Health Professionals Social Workers Probation Officers Law-enforcement Officers Any person associated with or employed by any private organization responsible for the care, custody or control of children
Slide 10 - Liability Our duty is only to report our suspicions, not determine abuse There is no risk of liability if made in good faith--The reporter is immune from civil and/or criminal liability in these cases Failure to report within the 72 hour time-frame is punishable by fine Anonymity
Slide 11 - Validation Criteria Child under 18 years old Suspected abuse and neglect Abuser is a caretaker Jurisdiction
Slide 12 - Types of Child Abuse Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect Sexual Abuse
Slide 13 - Physical Abuse Physical abuse occurs when a caregiver responsible for a child’s care creates or inflicts, threatens to create or inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon such child a physical injury by other than accidental means, or creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement,or impairment of bodily functions.
Slide 14 - Types of Physical Abuse Hitting, Punching or Slapping Pinching Beating Asphyxiation/ Smothering Poisoning Bizarre Discipline Burning or Scalding Shaken Baby Syndrome Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Slide 15 - Indicators of Physical Abuse Unexplained bruises/welts (pattern bruises) Unexplained burns/scalds (pattern burns) Unexplained fracture/laceration Injuries inconsistent with an explanation Complaint of abdominal pain or soreness Injuries in various stages of healing Disclosure
Slide 16 - Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse occurs when a caretaker creates or inflicts, threatens to create or inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon such a child a mental injury by other than accidental means,or creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement,or impairment of mental functions.
Slide 17 - Types of Emotional Abuse Consistent failure to provide a child with support, attention and affection Chronic pattern of negative behaviors such as belittling, humiliation, ridicule Exposure of a child to domestic violence Bizarre Discipline Threatened or actual acts of violence against the family pet or other animals
Slide 18 - Indicators of Emotional Abuse Habit Disorders (biting, head banging, or thumbsucking by an older child) Conduct Disorders Sleep Disorders Behavior extremes Self Destructive or Suicidal Parentified or inappropriately infantile Cruelty (animals) Substance abuse Non-organic failure to thrive Developmental lags Disclosure
Slide 19 - Neglect Neglect occurs when a caregiver neglects or refuses to provide care necessary for the child’s health, abandons such a child, or when a child is without parental care or guardianship caused by the unreasonable absence or the mental or physical incapacity of the child’s parent, guardian…
Slide 20 - Types of Neglect Inadequate: Shelter Supervision Clothing Personal hygiene Food Medical Neglect
Slide 21 - Indicators of Neglect Infant non-organic failure to thrive Malnutrition, hunger, poor hygiene, inappropriate dress Lack of Supervision Unattended physical/medical/ mental health needs Abandonment Distended stomach/emaciated Untreated lice/ringworm Constant fatigue or listlessness Uninvolved or unavailable caretaker Disclosure
Slide 22 - Sexual Abuse “Sexual abuse occurs when caregivers commits or allows to be committed any act of sexual exploitation or any sexual act upon the child in violation of the law.” Sexual abuse happens when a person in a position of power or authority takes advantage of a child for their own sexual gratification.”
Slide 23 - Types of Sexual Abuse Sexual Exploitation/prostitution Forcing a child to watch sexual conduct Exposure Indecent solicitation Sexual abuse via the internet Child Pornography Sexual Harassment Intercourse and sodomy Sexual molestation Incest
Slide 24 - Indicators of Sexual Abuse Difficulty walking/sitting Torn, stained or bloody underclothes Pain in genital area or when urinating Frequent urinary infection Bed wetting Encopresis or Enuresis Sexually acting out Excessive masturbation Hyperactivity or Hypervigilance Possession of unexplained money or gifts Fire starting/Cruelty to animals Child reports abuse
Slide 25 - Indicators of Sexual Abuse Child has role of adult Alcohol or drug abuse Other criminal or delinquent behaviors Regressive behaviors
Slide 26 - What If You Suspect Abuse? Virginia Law requires that Mandated Reporters make their report immediately upon obtaining information that triggers suspicion that child abuse has occurred, and in no case later than 72 hours.
Slide 27 - Who to Call? Child Protective Services (CPS): Arlington: (703) 228-1500 Virginia Hotline: 800-552-7096 Police: 911 If child is in imminent danger.
Slide 28 - What to Report? Names (siblings) Parents/Guardians/Child Care Child Care Arrangements Ages School Info (Grade, Schedule, etc.) Emergency Contact Numbers Address and Phone Numbers Anything else you know
Slide 29 - How To Respond Listen carefully and use the child’s own vocabulary Do Not Investigate--Do Not Ask Leading Questions Do not notify the parents if a report is made Be supportive Your support is crucial for the child’s resilience
Slide 30 - Working with CPS Once a report is made, CPS Intake can only tell you whether or not a case meets criteria and will be investigated. If you have a release from your client, then you and the CPS worker may exchange additional information during a CPS investigation/assessment.
Slide 31 - Conclusion You may be the one person in this child’s life who makes a difference 703-228-1500