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Bone Structure-Pratts Biology PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Bone Structure
Slide 2 - Introduction to Bones very active tissue contains bone tissue, cartilage, dense connective tissue, blood, and nervous tissue classified based on location and shape location: axial and appendicular shape: long (femur), short (patella), flat (sternum) and irregular (hip)
Slide 3 - 5 Parts of a Long Bone epiphysis – ends of a bone articulate (form joints) with other bones proximal epiphysis – end nearest body distal epiphysis – end farthest from body covered in articular (hyaline) cartilage diaphysis – shaft of a bone (btw epiphyses) periosteum (around bone) – tough, vascular covering of fibrous tissue covers entire bone EXCEPT for articular surfaces helps form and repair bone tissue
Slide 4 - 5 Parts of a Long Bone (cont.) medullary cavity – hollow chamber blood vessels marrow endosteum (within bone) – thin layer of cells that line the medullary cavity
Slide 5 - Structure and Function a bone’s shape makes possible its functions processes (bony projections) provide sites where ligaments and tendons attach grooves and openings form passageways for blood vessels and nerves depressions of one bone may articulate with a process of another
Slide 6 - Processes, groves, depressions 1. Frontal Bone 2. Supra-Orbital Foramen 3. Orbit (Orbital Cavity) 4. Superior Orbital Fissure 5. Inferior Orbital Fissure 6. Zygomatic Bone 7. Infra-Orbital Foramen 8. Maxilla 9. Mandible 10. Mental Foramen 11. Incisive Fossa 12. Symphysis 13. Vomer 14. Inferior Nasal Concha 15. Middle Nasal Concha 16. Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid 17. Nasal Bone 18. Lacrimal Bone
Slide 7 - Compact vs. Spongy Bone both are strong and resist bending compact bone – walls of diaphysis NO spaces osteons
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Slide 9 - Compact vs. Spongy Bone spongy bone – epiphyses numerous branching bony plates spaces between the plates reduce the bones weight trabeculae
Slide 10 - Microscopic Structure osteocytes – bone cells lacunae (sm. pockets of cells) form concentric circles around central canals central canals a.k.a. Haversian canals blood vessels (capillaries) and nerve fibers canaliculi (little canals) connect osteocytes extracellular matrix collagen – strong and resilient inorganic salts – hard and resists crushing in compact bone, this arrangement is called an osteon (Haversian system)
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Slide 12 - Microscopic Structure (cont.) perforating canals a.k.a. Volkmann’s canals run transversely carry larger blood vessels and nerves allows the inside of bone to communicate with the outside diffusion into canaliculi nourishes spongy bone