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Artificial Intelligence Wiki PowerPoint Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence Wiki Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - DSS: Decision Support Systems and AI: Artificial Intelligence In Business 0
Slide 2 - AI in Business Some Commercial Applications Decision Support Expert Systems Information Retrieval Virtual Reality Robotics I’m ready to do some business
Slide 3 - Overview of AI Goal of AI develop computer systems that exhibit intelligence or simulate the ability to think AI pioneered by Computer Science But, AI involves a combination of Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics,Engineering
Slide 4 - What really is Intelligence? Specifically, what are the signs of Intelligent Behavior? Think about it for a while
Slide 5 - Which of the following is the best example of intelligent behavior? Ability to add numbers Ability to see and recognize objects Ability to adapt to surroundings Ability to learn for mistakes
Slide 6 - What really is Intelligence? You are about to start an online chat (IM) with two entities: One entity is a human The other is a computer After hours of conversation, you can not tell which entity is a computer. Does this mean the computer is Intelligent? 0
Slide 7 - Intelligent Behavior What are some of the signs, attributes, or characteristics of Intelligent Behavior 0
Slide 8 - Characteristics of Intelligent Behavior Learn from experience & apply the knowledge Computer can automatically improve performance based on Experience Machine Learning Computational Learning 0
Slide 9 - Characteristics of Intelligent Behavior Handle complex situations Computer Systems can often handle complexity better than humans Consider a process control system that must simultaneous track 100 different system variables. 0
Slide 10 - Characteristics of Intelligent Behavior Solve problems when important information is missing Computer Systems can find patterns and deal with all sorts of missing information 0
Slide 11 - Characteristics of Intelligent Behavior React quickly & correctly to new situations; Acquire & Apply Knowledge Here is where computers start to fail. Adapting to completely new situations is a problem for computer systems. Its very difficult to design a computer system that can combine, connect, and acquire knowledge to solve completely new problems 0
Slide 12 - Characteristics of Intelligent Behavior Determine what is important. Exhibit creativity and imagination Process visual information efficiently Use reason to solve problems These are some other Characteristics that humans possess. Computer systems have a lot of catching up to do. 0
Slide 13 - Which of the following do computer need to catch up on? Determine what is important. Exhibit creativity and imagination Process visual information efficiently Use reason to solve problems
Slide 14 - AI in Business AI continues to improve and evolve. Scientists and Engineers are pushing the envelope of what is possible. In Business, there is a better understanding of the capabilities of Intelligent Computer Systems It is important to know which types of problems are suited for humans, and which are suited for Computers.
Slide 15 - Human Intelligence vs. AI
Slide 16 - Human Intelligence vs. AI
Slide 17 - AI: Application Domains
Slide 18 - AI: Commercial Domains Decision Support Integrating the advantages of AI with Human Intelligence. More intelligent Interfaces More intelligent processing for massive data 0
Slide 19 - AI: Commercial Domains Information Retrieval Automatic simplification for massive data Natural language technology: computer can speak our language. 0
Slide 20 - AI: Commercial Domains Virtual Reality Better training environment from pilots to doctors Robotics Bringing the precision and speed of computers into the physical world Goes beyond manufacturing and assembly lines; Baggage Inspection, Bomb Removal, Replacement Limbs.
Slide 21 - Expert Systems The idea is to inject expert knowledge in to a computer system. The primary purpose is to automate decision making. The decision environments have structure The alternatives and goals are often established in advance.
Slide 22 - Expert Systems vs. DSS Expert System Inject expert knowledge in to a computer system. Automate decision making. The decision environments have structure The alternatives and goals are often established in advance. The expert system can eventually replace the human decision maker. Decision Support System Extract or gain knowledge from a computer system Facilitates decision making Unstructured environment Alternatives may not be fully realized yet Use goals and the system data to establish alternatives and outcomes, so a good decision can be made
Slide 23 - What is the biggest difference between a Decision Support System and an MIS DSS’s are interactive and ad hoc DSS’s focus on transforming information into knowledge MIS’s focus on transforming data into information All of the above
Slide 24 - What is the biggest difference between an MIS and TPS in a TPS there is no analysis an MIS focuses on reports an TPS focuses on updating a database All of the above
Slide 25 - How is the analysis different for a MIS vs. DSS MIS: Analysis involves computing aggregates MIS: Analysis involves creating useful charts and graphs DSS: Connects information with decisions DSS: Builds scenarios
Slide 26 - Some Interesting Applications of Expert Systems Triage – Medical Diagnosis (Medical Expert System) User enters symptoms System makes diagnosis Doctors collective expertise is captured in the system Patriot Missile Guidance System Radar identifies Scud missile System steers Patriot missile to it intercepts Scud missile Laws of physics, expert knowledge about missile trajectory is captured in the system Financial Decision Making – Currency Trading
Slide 27 - Expert System Categories Decision Making buy/sell risk/no risk rain/ no rain Trouble Shooting / Diagnosis Hello welcome to Dell; how can I help you? Suddenly an idiot seems like an expert. Selection/Classification Tell me what you see, expert system figures out what it really is... Process Monitoring and Control Robot control, assembly-line control, missile control Design/Configuration Specify what you want, expert system figures out specifically how to do it.
Slide 28 - Expert System Components Knowledge base user Expert System Software UserInterface Engine 0
Slide 29 - Expert System Components Knowledge base user Expert System Software UserInterface Engine Raw Data or Facts Expert or Knowledge Engineer Knowledge Acquisition Program Expert System Development Process 0
Slide 30 - Expert System Components Knowledge base Non-expert Robot Missile Expert System Software Interface Engine Raw Data or Facts Expert or Knowledge Engineer Knowledge Acquisition Program Expert System Development Process 0
Slide 31 - Expert System vs. DSS Model Base Analytical & Statistical Models Someone with Knowledge Decision Maker DSS Software UserInterface Engine Raw Data or Facts Data Management Extraction, Generation, Validation, etc. DSS Processes 0