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Antismoking Tablets to help Quit Smoking Habit PowerPoint Presentation

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Antismoking Tablets to help Quit Smoking Habit Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - An Effective Approach To Quit Smoking Visit : www.smotect.com
Slide 2 - Table of Content A] Practice Mindfulness While Smoking B] Learn To Like The Idea Of Not Smoking C] Do Body Scan Technique D] Practice R.A.I.N. Get Smotect Natural Tablets? To Sum Up
Slide 3 - A] Practice Mindfulness While Smoking When you begin to smoke mindfully, you will: Become aware of your emotion, whether you are anxious, stressed, or excited Feel the cigarette Experience its taste Feel the smoke travel down your throat as you inhale and feel it travel back up your throat as you exhale Become aware if your mood has changed for the better after smoking the cigarette
Slide 4 - B] Learn To Like The Idea Of Not Smoking As you embrace the mindfulness approach, you will no longer smoke distractedly. The cigarette will become the focus of your attention. You will begin to experience the ‘burning feeling’ as you inhale the smoke. The cigarette will not taste good and the smell of smoke will seem unpleasant. Gradually, cigarette smoking will stop seeming pleasurable and smoking frequency will tend to reduce.
Slide 5 - C] Do Body Scan Technique At times, while smoking, you may fail to realize that this habit is connected to your emotional state. Knowing the body and mind interaction to stop smoking helps to kick this habit for good. Body scan technique helps to release the physical tension you might not even realize you're experiencing. This form of meditation involves paying attention to your body and bodily sensations gradually from feet to head. It helps you to maintain a relaxed state when you are stressed.
Slide 6 - D] Practice R.A.I.N. R.A.I.N. is a four-step mindfulness process that helps you redirect your negative thoughts. It will assist you in resisting cigarette cravings by drawing your attention to your emotional distress. The term stands for. R — Recognize A — Allow, I — Investigate, N — Non-Identification
Slide 7 - Get Smotect Natural Tablets? 100% safe and natural Nicotine-free With zero side effects Clinically proven for safety and efficacy FDA-approved GMP-certified Patented formulation
Slide 8 - For guidance and support: Visit us at: www.smotect.com Chat with quit-smoking experts on WhatsApp: http://wa.me/+918928597731