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About an Anorexia Nervosa PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Anorexia Nervosa By Stephanie Menevissis
Slide 2 - Definition An eating disorder is a mental illness in which eating behaviors are abnormal and unhealthy
Slide 3 - Anorexia literally means “loss of appetite” but this is a misconception. People who have anorexia just ignore their hunger http://www.treatmentonline.com
Slide 4 - Anorexia is characterized by the fear of weight gain, self-starvation, refusal to maintain a normal body weight and a distorted view of body image Some cases also include obsessive exercise habits It is an eating disorder that occurs mostly in teenage girls but can occur in all ages of males and females 90% of people who develop eating disorders are female
Slide 5 - The common age for anorexia to appear is from 14-18, although it may occur later in life There have also been cases of anorexia in children as young as 7 years old In the U.S. there are approximately 5 million females each year who suffer from eating disorders
Slide 6 - Anorexics … Are obsessed with being thin Lose a lot of weight and are afraid of gaining weight Believe they are fat even if they are extremely thin Starve themselves, avoid high-calorie foods, and exercise constantly Attempt to use food and weight as a way to deal with emotional problems
Slide 7 - www.psychotherapyinharleystreet.co.uk www.fathersforlife.org www.fathersforlife.org
Slide 8 - The Difference between Anorexia and Bulimia Anorexics… -starve themselves and avoid high-calorie foods Bulimics… -eat huge amounts of food and then purge - don’t usually lose as much weight as anorexics
Slide 9 - Anorexics might also show signs of bulimia such as recurrent binge-eating and purging. (i.e. vomiting, taking laxatives)
Slide 10 - History
Slide 11 - Cases of anorexia were first recorded in 1868 although they probably existed long before then Since 1970, the number of anorexia cases have doubled In 1980 Anorexia was classified as a psychiatric (mental) disorder
Slide 12 - Causes Although the exact cause is unknown, there are some things that influence this sickness
Slide 13 - Psychological factors that influence Anorexia Response to family problems Reaction to sexual assault or abuse Fear of growing up- by becoming anorexic a girl or boy can remain a child Stressful events may increase the risk of an eating disorder
Slide 14 - Tend to be good students and excellent athletes Young women are so vulnerable because of their tendencies to go on strict diets Tends to run in families (10-20x more at risk if a person’s sibling is anorexic) Dancers, actors, models and gymnasts are at a high risk of developing this eating disorder because being thin is often a professional requirement for them balletbookstore.com
Slide 15 - Low-self esteem and perfectionism are common traits in anorexics Media influences excessive dieting because of societal pressures to be thin http://www.nedic.ca/videos/psa.shtml
Slide 16 - Diagnosis
Slide 17 - Anorexia Nervosa is very difficult to diagnose because most people will deny having a problem www.health-elinks.org
Slide 18 - Warning Signs
Slide 19 - Deliberate self-starvation with weight loss Fear of gaining weight Refusal to eat Denial of hunger Constant exercising Sensitive to cold temperatures Frequent urination Loss or thinning of scalp hair Self perception of being fat when the person is really too thin Insomnia Get sick often Bad moods Hard time concentrating; always thinking of food
Slide 20 - Signs of depression are common May develop strange eating habits i.e. cutting up food into small pieces, refusal to eat in front of others or preparing meals for others but not eating them www.vpul.upenn.edu
Slide 21 - http://www.bobbyworks.com/images/Anorexia.jpg
Slide 22 - Short-term side effects
Slide 23 - Extreme weight change Failure to gain weight during expected periods of growth (i.e. adolescence) Dry skin, thinning of hair, layer of fine hair all over body Hair and nails become brittle Extreme sensitivity to cold because a normal body temp cannot be maintained Slowed heart rate fatigue
Slide 24 - Constipation Lack of energy Inability to think clearly; irrational thoughts Dry or yellowish skin; skin rash Low blood pressure Abdominal pain Females will normally experience amenorrhea (absence of at least 3 consecutive menstrual cycles when they are otherwise expected to occur)
Slide 25 - Long-term Side effects Anorexia can cause any of the following side-effects
Slide 26 - Pulse rate and blood pressure drop Reduced rate of growth Dental problems Stomach rupture Nutritional deprivation causes calcium loss from bones, which can become brittle and prone to breakage Osteoporosis The last stage of this illness, without treatment is the failure of liver, kidneys and finally the heart
Slide 27 - Treatment
Slide 28 - Eating disorders are often hard to treat because patients will refuse to believe that anything is wrong with them. Patients in early stages (less than 6 months or minimal weight loss) may be treated without hospital admittance. If a patient is hospitalized or not, treatment will still involve changing the patients eating habits and often counseling for at least one year -Sometimes medications to make anorexics less depressed can be prescribed by a doctor and used along with counseling
Slide 29 - Symptoms that may lead to hospitalization Weight change of 40% or more over a 3-month period or a weight loss of 30 pounds Drastically changed metabolism Severe binging and purging Signs of mental disorder Severe depression or risk of suicide
Slide 30 - For a successful treatment as an out-patient or during hospitalization, the patient must be willing to change Estimated that as many as 70% will never recover completely Unfortunately there is a high mortality (death) rate for people suffering with anorexia. It is estimated that the death rate from anorexia may be as high as 9%
Slide 31 - Programs to help
Slide 32 - St. Joseph’s Healthcare Eating Disorders program Ages 16 and over McMaster Children’s Hospital Eating Disorder’s Program Children and adolescents up to age 18 and their families
Slide 33 - Research
Slide 34 - In studies of people with eating disorders, scientists found that the neurotransmitter, serotonin, is decreased in anorexics. This links them with patients suffering from depression People with anorexia nervosa also tend to have higher than normal levels of cortisol (a brain chemical found to be abnormal in patients with OCD)
Slide 35 - Future Prevention New research shows that some traits shown in people who develop anorexia are risk factors that can be treated early on i.e. low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and dieting may be identified and helped before an eating disorder develops
Slide 36 - References About Mental Illness.(2002) Anorexia Nervosa. Retrieved March 12, 2007 on the World Wide Web: http://Nami.org/Content/Content groups/Helpline1/Anorexia_Nervosa.htm Anorexia Nervosa(2005). Retrieved March 2, 2007 on the World Wide Web: http://faqs.org/health/Sick-V1/Anrexia-Nervosa.html Anorexia Nervosa (2006) retrieved March 2, 2007 on the World Wide Web: http://familydoctor.org/063.xml Kane, William M. (ed). (2002). Eating Disorders. In Health Matters (Vol. 2 pp. 50-51). Danbury: Book Builders LLC. Levenkron, Steven. (2000). Anatomy of Anorexia. United States: Lion’s Crown, Ltd. The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective. (2005) Our Bodies, Ourselves. New York: Touchstone