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Angular vs React PowerPoint Presentation

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Angular vs React Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - What is Angular? In any case, the introduction of AngularJS in 2009, or ten years ago, must be credited to tech juggernaut Google. Angular is an open source client-side web framework that help the Angular developers in reducing challenges associated to single page web development that was seen several times. By supporting libraries, it also aids in expanding the HTML vocabulary. The Angular is still going high and after the release of Angular 12, the developers can look forward to choosing it. What is React? Facebook, the social media powerhouse, created the React in 2013. It is a free, dynamic JavaScript library that aids in the development of stunning user interfaces. Additionally, it supports the development of mobile apps and one-page applications. ReactJS was created with the intention of improving and speeding up performance and making application development simpler and more scalable. Commonly, Redux and ReactJS are used together. However, it must rely on V when using the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.
Slide 2 - 1. UI Component One distinction between Angular and React is the UI component. Many both free and paid UI components may be found at the React portal, which is where the React community develops its own UI tools. On the other hand, Angular has a built-in Material tech stack and includes a lot of material design components that have already been developed. Because of this, UI setting is incredibly simple and rapid. 2. Componentization As it depends on three layers-Controller, View, and Model-Angular has a very intricate and fixed structure. Developers can separate the app code into di"erent files using Angular. This makes it possible to reuse templates or the element across many app sections. Angular vs React: The Complete Comparison
Slide 3 - 3. Toolset: Angular or React? Numerous code editing tools, including Visual Studio, Atom, and Sublime Text, are used by React. It uses the Next.js framework for server-side rendering while bootstrapping a project with the Create React App tool. Developers have a wide range of tools at their disposal for testing React applications' many components. The use of code editors such as Visual Studio, Aptana, and Sublime Text is similar to that of React. While Angular Universal aids in server-side rendering, Angular CLI aids in project development. However, the primary distinction between Angular and React is that Angular can be tested entirely with just one tool. It might be Karma, Protractor, or Jasmine. And this is a noteworthy advantage of Angular over React. Angular and React documentation Because of the constant development process, the documentation in the Angular framework is not produced more quickly. Additionally, a lot of tutorials and materials still use the out-of-date AngularJS framework, which is worthless for developers right now. With ReactJS programming, this situation is di"erent. Although the React is often updated, the observations from earlier versions are still valuable. Solutions for Mobile Apps When comparing Angular vs React for creating mobile apps, Angular o"ers the Ionic framework, which has an appealing library of UI components and a Cordova container. As a result, when the created app is viewed on a device, it seems to be a web within a native web app container.
Slide 4 - 6. Productivity and Growth Rate Due to its CLI, which enables creating a workspace and designing smoothly operating apps, constructing features and services using one-line commands, the in-built procedure for correcting detailed errors, and removing Typescript's coding feature, Angular o"ers a better development experience. State Handling in Angular & React In many situations, an app uses states. At a specific point in time, an element explains the UI of an app. When the data transforms, the framework then renders the entire UI element once more. An app can ensure that the data is updated in this manner. Redux is chosen as a solution for state management in React, as opposed to Angular, which does not use Redux. Popularity: Angular vs. React According to Google Trends, React has more searches than Angular. React.js is the web framework that developers love and want the most, according to the stack overflow developer poll of 2021. 9. Individuality and Flexibility Another factor influencing the di"erence between Angular and React is flexibility. The freedom to choose the architecture, frameworks, and tools for app development is provided by the React framework. Given that you have hired a skilled ReactJS development team, it enables you construct a bespoke app with exactly the technological stack and features you require. Angular just o"ers a little degree of flexibility and freedom in comparison to React.
Slide 5 - Angular & React Testing By using a single tool like Karma, Protractor, or Jasmine, the testing and debugging of the Angular IO is achievable for the entire project. The same cannot be done while creating ReactJS apps, though. Tools are required to complete various testing sets. Angular and React Data Binding Another factor that influences the choice of the best framework between Angular and React is data binding. One-way data binding is used by React, and only once the model state has been altered can the UI components be changed. Developers are unable to alter the UI elements without also changing the relevant model state. Community Support for Angular & React On GitLab and GitHub, React receives more community support than Angular. React.js projects have more developers working on them than Angular projects do, according to the 2020 StackOverflow Developer Survey. As a result, React has more community support than Android. App Usability and Functionality React makes advantage of Fiber and Virtual DOM to build apps that influence Angular. However, the more recent iterations of Angular have boasted components and capabilities like ShadowAPI that have intensified rivalry between the two frameworks, with no compromise on the functionality or scale of the resulting apps.
Slide 6 - 14. Document Object Model (DOM) Because Angular uses real DOM, even if one of its segments is modified or replaced, the entire tree data structure remains current. ReactJS, on the other hand, makes use of Virtual DOM, which enables app development companies to monitor and update changes without a"ecting other tree branches. Learning Curve: Angular vs React Angular has a steeper learning curve than React. The Google Angular IO framework o"ers a number of solutions to address a certain problem. It requires knowledge of a variety of concepts and languages, including pipes, templates, RxJS, dependency injection, Typescript, etc. It also features a complex component management mechanism. Directives Every element in React ends with a discussion of the templates and logic. Even without knowing the syntax, it enables readers to comprehend what the code means. Component Architecture A component-based architecture is a feature of both React and Angular. As a result, their components are modular, reusable, and coherent. But when it comes to the technical stack, Angular and React di"er from one another. Ease of Update The updated CLI for Angular includes commands like ng update. As a result, updating the application to the most recent Angular version is made simple.
Slide 7 - Because the majority of the update process is automated, Angular development becomes hassle-free as a result. Languages The JavaScript ES6+ language, which is coupled with the JSX script, is necessary for React to function. Angular, on the other hand, makes use of JavaScript or Typescript. Because Typescript is so little, finding errors in the code is much simpler. Self-Su ciency React-based apps must include additional libraries. Helmet, Redux, or React Router are a few of the tools that are used to streamline the state handling, routing, and API communication processes.