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Obstructive Maintenance Keeps Your Fitness Equipments Healthy PowerPoint Presentation

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Obstructive Maintenance Keeps Your Fitness Equipments Healthy Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - OBSTRUCTIVE MAINTENANCE KEEPS YOUR FITNESS EQUIPMENTS HEALTHY A proper diet and exercise help human’s live healthier lives with its preventive measures, which is the process of getting the most out of your exercise equipment. Maintaining preventative service calls while keeping exercise machines running with minimal downtime requires more than just wiping down equipment while reporting the malfunctioning units to a technician.
Slide 2 - THESE ARE THE TIPS TO MAINTAIN FITNESS EQUIPMENT You must have the tool to prevent maintenance with a logbook for the facilities or the outsourced exercise equipment service. Some exercise equipment service providers in the market have all the incidents citing each equipment's source maintenance, services, and failure in a logbook.
Slide 3 - MAINTAIN THE MANUFACTURERS' MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS You need to include the manufacturers' recommendations routine in the logbook due to its availability to the staff and technicians. 1
Slide 4 - You need to remove sweat, dirt, and dust that will help the electronics to last longer. When you clean a piece of equipment, exteriors apply a mixture of the mild liquid antibacterial detergent with water onto a rag not directly on the machine. Due to this, cleaning solutions may leak into the engine. In addition, it may cause machines and electronics to be short. 2 YOU NEED TO CLEAN YOU R EQUIPMENT EVERY DAY
Slide 5 - 3 YOU MUST USE A REPLACEMENT PART FROM THE EQUIPMENT'S MANUFACTURER You need to replace parts from the manufacturers' equipment when you are taking services from the vendors who insist on the manufacturer's claims.
Slide 6 - 4 YOU NEED TO INSTALL SURGE PROTECTORS If you need to install the surge protectors, it will help you to prevent the electrical damage from power spikes to equipment that are not only self-powered but can be out of self-powered.
Slide 7 - THANK YOU Do you have any questions? visit us: www.gymdoc.com Email: Service@GymDoc.com