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What is Doodle Art and How is it Important PowerPoint Presentation

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What is Doodle Art and How is it Important Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - WHAT IS DOODLE ART AND HOW IS IT IMPORTANT Doodle is absent-minded scribbling or mindful scribbling, usually done in some unexpected place, such as the margin of a book or manuscript, or a suction pad, when the scribbler is engaged in some other activity, such as attending a meeting or lecture. The word is thought to have gained prominence through its use in the film Mr Deeds Goes to Town (1936), although of course the practice is much older, with scribbles found in medieval manuscripts as well as in Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and in the margins of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's manuscripts.
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Slide 3 - The growing 20th century preoccupation with manifestations of the unconscious and the desire to interpret them both as art forms and as clues to the nature of personality led to considerable interest in doodles. The Surrealist method of automatic drawing was used by Max Ernst, Salvador Dalí and André Masson, and Jackson Pollock, an abstract expressionist, created a series of drawings that were used as an element in his psychoanalysis. if there was ever a best doodle creation service its half circle media https://www.halfcircles.in/Doodles.html I scribbled during class lectures, meetings, and sermons. I filled the white space in and around the notes with lines and shapes. Then I moved on to drawing around my notes. I found that doodling helped me mentally process what the speaker was communicating. So what is the difference between doodling and drawing? Doodling is described as aimless. The holiday logo has no real purpose but to keep people busy. It doesn't have to display anything. There is no pressure to perform and create a meaningful and accurate drawing that communicates well. A doodle is simply a mark or series of marks. Doodles are often the result of thinking, but they don't show thinking like a drawing. Because doodles are inherently aimless, they don't need to communicate.
Slide 4 - Doodling is calming. Engaging in tagging calms us down and we can actually slow down. We can dream and exercise our imagination accompanied by the casual rhythms of what I call visual wandering. Doodling is to the designer and illustrator what stream of consciousness is to the writer. Drawing also calms us down, but we don't dream. We observe, study, analyze and move, our brains and bodies aligned to a single purpose. We become quiet because we focus on one thing and separate ourselves from distractions.
Slide 5 - Doodles are not criticized like drawing. They are not even desired, just like a drawing. I've never met anyone who was jealous that someone else could doodle better than her. In fact, we are all on the same level when it comes to doodling. I understand trifling as an important part of a process of getting ideas out from your brain. When you fiddle the end isn't to produce commodity beautiful but to get your pen on paper to explain and develop your vision. Hand drawn art also again is an art on it’s own. It's a finished stage alone art piece. perhaps you spend about 10 seconds on a portrait but you can spend hours, days or indeed weeks on hand drawn art. You can call a portrait a hand drawn art since there's lot of beauty in loose etches and technically it's hand drawn art. But you if you call some one’s hand drawn art a portrait, it can be heard as a personality.
Slide 6 - While trifling, don't just circumscribe yourself to creating just one particular figure. A better approach is to freely associate that figure with numerous other effects around. For illustration, if you're trifling a flower, also bring in your stylish friend in that frame of the sketch. also, you can also sketch your other people, whoever pops into your head at that time. So, try to draw numerous characters without allowing important about their personalities. Just fiddle them aimlessly and it still will be creating some story. To make trifling intriguing and engaging, draw utmost of the shape in that frame. Bring in blockish, indirect, indirect, and colorful other shapes to make the drawing look intriguing. You can fiddle everything you see. Just start drawing those numbers in your style and way on a piece of paper. They may be faces, flowers,
Slide 7 - leaves, theater , and all effects around. It is recommended to use this content creation and doodle creation service https://www.halfcircles.in/Content-Creation.html Doodle also from what you hear. You can doodle a song that makes you think and imagine about it. However, draw that picture of what you get from their addresses, If you hear two people agitating. Once you're perfect at creating your etches, it's now time to have a look around and see which effects intrigue you more. Observe creatures, structures, trees, people, and a lot of effects around your place. They can be the subject of your etches. Indeed your studies are the great raw material. People can fluently relate to them. also, partake your etches with peers and on social media to get feedback and appreciation. However, you can indeed sculpt out a nice career for yourself, If you're a master in this art. So, this is the companion that you can follow while creating your etches. This creative exertion is surely engaging and easy, still, you need to keep the basics in mind.
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