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Asp Dot Net Page Life Cycle PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Asp Dot Net Page Life Cycle powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Asp Dot Net Page Life Cycle in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Asp Dot Net Page Life Cycle Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Page LifeCycle in ASP.NET
Slide 2 - A Web Form in ASP.NET
Slide 3 - About View State If you click Button1, Label1 will be changed to show (“BUTTON CLICKED"). When the page reloads Label1 will still say " BUTTON CLICKED ", even though it's default value is “Label A". ASP.NET inserts a hidden field into the form (_VIEWSTATE) which holds the current state of all controls where they differ from the default values (defined in the ASPX file).
Slide 4 - ASP.NET Lifecycle Phases
Slide 5 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Init Build up a tree of controls from the ASPX file. (All controls have their ID set at this stage) Process the View State, giving each control a chance to update its state. Anything in the View State that didn't match a known control ID is placed in an "Unmatched" list. Turn on view state tracking. Any changes to controls will now be recorded in the View State.
Slide 6 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Init When the form was submitted some controls (for example TextBox1) will submit their values as a {ID, value} pairs. We call this the Post Data. As before, we match Post Data against control by ID, giving each control a chance to process the data. Some controls may decide to trigger an action based on this, so they get added to a "Pending Actions" list. Finally any unmatched Post Data also gets added to an "Unmatched" list.
Slide 7 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Load This is a chance for controls to access the database, etc. [Not all such controls need to be visible.] Some dynamically created controls may be added to the tree at this stage.
Slide 8 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Events We make a second pass of any data saved in our "Unmatched" list. This is for the benefit of dynamically created controls. We process the "Pending Actions" list and raise appropriate events (things like TextBox1 "On Changed"). We find the control that caused the post back event and see if it has any events it needs to raise - (typically things like Button1 "On Click").
Slide 9 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Render View state tracking is turned off & View State serialized into the hidden _VIEWSTATE field. Controls generate HTML based on their current state.
Slide 10 - Asp.Net Lifecycle : Unload A chance for controls to clean up any resources they're using like Database Connections, etc.
Slide 11 - Thank You