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Creating a Digital Marketing Plan for a Small Business PowerPoint Presentation

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Creating a Digital Marketing Plan for a Small Business Presentation Transcript

Slide 2 - Element 5 – Creating a digital marketing plan for a small businessLearning outcome 8 – Develop a creative digital marketing plan for a small businessThis presentation is provided by ABE for tutors to use to facilitate classroom learning, in conjunction with the session plans and activities supplied. Please involve your students actively in your sessions, using the ideas provided here - plus some of your own. ABE LEVEL 3 AWARD IN DIGITAL MARKETING ESSENTIALS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES
Slide 3 - THE DIGITAL MARKETING PLAN  8. Develop a digital marketing plan for a small business (Weighting 35%) Learning Outcomes: 8.1 Summarise the background and analytical steps to developing a digital marketing plan Setting effective objectives and consider acquisition, customer retention and customer loyalty Provide the market context for the digital marketing plan i.e. an outline of the market in which the business operates Understanding the target market and their behaviour online Setting the budget 8.2 Recommend messaging, digital tools and scheduling within a digital marketing plan Designing an appropriate message Developing an appropriate mix of digital and online tools capable of achieving the objectives Develop a schedule of activities for implementation 8.3 Recommend methods of measuring the effectiveness of the digital marketing plan Monitoring performance Methods of measuring success Use of analytics
Slide 5 - Background and analysis If you don’t record what you want to do before you start, how are you able to know what works, what’s a good use of your time and what will make your business a success? A plan will help you make sure: Everything is in place from the start Time is not wasted in repetition or doing the things that don’t contribute to your goals Predictions are realistic, objectives are set and methodology established
Slide 6 - What are your aims in terms of digital marketing? An effective objective will be: Clear Focused Quantified Setting your objectives
Slide 7 - Defining your objectives
Slide 8 - Defining your market To give your digital marketing plan focus, you need to define the market in which your business sits This can be as simple as one sentence that covers: what you sell or what service you offer to who in which space
Slide 9 - Be specific: having too broad of a market means you cannot be focused Look at how your competitors describe themselves on their website and on social media for inspiration Think of this as your elevator pitch: the one liner you use to tell people what your business is about Tips for defining your market
Slide 10 - Who are your target customers?
Slide 11 - Assigning a budget Some online activities are free, e.g. PR and blogs, whilst others will have to be paid for Assigning a budget for your plan allows you to allocate money and plan your spending. What do you need to pay for? Manpower – your time, and anyone else you need to pay for. Advertising – social media adverts, banner adverts, search adverts. Design – buying photos, hiring a photographer and designer to create on-demand images. Tools and platforms membership – depending on which tools you choose.
Slide 12 - Defining your budget Your budget should fall between these two metrics: How much money you have How much money is reasonable to achieve your objectives
Slide 14 - Designing appropriate messaging Messaging informs all the communications in your digital marketing – whether that’s written, in images, or in video and audio content. Digital marketing messaging is how you talk about your business online Your messaging must do three things simultaneously: represent you, your business and your brand appeal to your target customers connect to your marketing objectives
Slide 15 - The key components of messaging are the: digital marketing tone of voice: the words and language used central marketing message: the message that links directly to digital marketing objectives. Creating your message
Slide 16 - Establishing a digital marketing tone of voice Your digital tone of voice will inform: how you phrase your social media posts in words and images how you write your emails your longer-form content: written, audio, video the written content on your website the words you use on digital sales platforms
Slide 17 - Think about your tone of voice Do you use exclamation marks? Do you use complicated words? Do you quote statistics and numbers or phrases? Do you use emojis, or popular acronyms like ‘lol’? Do you use adverbs or other descriptions? Do you refer to the business as ‘I’ or ‘we’ or ‘it’?
Slide 18 - Establishing your central marketing message A central marketing message describes what you offer, to who, and what makes you special. A central marketing message is used: in an ‘about me’ section on social media or digital sales platforms in cover photos on social media in long-form content, to give a hook to the audience as part of a call-to-action, which drives sales in email messaging to remind subscribers what the business does prominently on a website
Slide 19 - What makes a strong central marketing message?
Slide 20 - Steps to creating a strong marketing message
Slide 21 - Implementing a digital marketing plan Implementing a digital marking plan is likely to involve a combination of online and digital tools. The tools you choose need to be appropriate for your niche or your local area.
Slide 22 - The online sales funnel 1 – Identify and introduce 2 – Capture and engage 3 – Campaign and sell
Slide 23 - Creating a schedule It is broken down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks depending on your objectives, the market your business is in, and your target market’s online behaviour. A schedule helps you manage the activities of an online business. Scheduling your digital marketing activities means: you can plan your time efficiently you have ready-made to-do lists to help you stay organised
Slide 24 - A content plan A content plan helps you schedule all the content you need to create and publish, so that it is created on time and sufficient to meet your objectives.
Slide 26 - Measuring effectiveness Tracking progress from the start enables you to monitor the effectiveness of your digital marketing attempts, and focus more time and attention on those which are bringing you closer to your objectives. Once you’ve set your objectives and created a plan, you need to keep track of how close you’re getting to your goals.
Slide 27 - Monitoring performance The key principle of monitoring digital marketing A simple spreadsheet in Google Sheet or Excel can be used to record monthly progress towards meeting your digital marketing objectives. For example: If your objectives relate to follower growth, include a column to record the monthly increase in followers on each social media platform.
Slide 28 - Some digital tools have built-in analytics. It is important to check whether: you need to set up tracking of specific goals in advance such as in Google Analytics you look retrospectively like on most social platforms the analytic tool measures the exact metrics you are looking for in relation to your objectives Use of analytics
Slide 29 - Measuring success Tracking progress from the beginning of your digital marketing journey enables you to benchmark against your own success. Benchmarks may be available online, but they may not match your unique situation such as your market, skills, budget and local area. Measuring success for the first six months: Are you improving month-on-month in each metric you are measuring? Are you learning new things each month that help you adapt your plan?  Measuring success after six months: Based on the numbers you recorded each month from the start, what reasonable targets can you look to reach in 6 months’ time?
Slide 30 - KPIs are a numerical measure that shows your success in a specific area They should be attainable but challenging and therefore should: Be based on your changing performance over time so far Drive you to achieve the maximum rather than staying static. For example: Grow 50 followers per week Key performance indicators (KPIs)
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