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What Is Delivery Trading-Get to know about this PowerPoint Presentation

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What Is Delivery Trading-Get to know about this Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - What Is Delivery Trading? Delivery trading is a sort of trading in which you can acquire shares now and sell them at any time after they are delivered. There is no time limit for selling the shares, unlike intraday trading, when you must sell your shares on the same day. If you choose, you can sell the shares you bought today in delivery trading after 2 days, a year, or even five years. Features of Delivery Trading The main advantage of delivery trading is that the shares are delivered to your demat account, and then it is up to you how long you want to keep those shares and when you want to sell them. Another characteristic of delivery trading is the possession of adequate cash and shares prior to the purchase and selling of shares. If you want to know in depth about what is delivery trading, read our article.
Slide 2 - Advantages of Delivery trading 1). No-time constraint to hold stock: There is no time limit for selling stocks in delivery trading, and you can keep them for as long as you wish. 2). Get long term stockholding benefits:  Delivery trading allows you to keep the shares for as long as possible, reaping the benefits of long-term holding such as en-cashing dividend payments and receiving bonus shares. 3). Risk of short selling is nullified: Because short selling of shares is not possible in delivery because you must have shares in your demat account, trading in delivery eliminates all of the risks associated with short selling.