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How To Use Event Tracing For Windows For Performance Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - How To Use Event Tracing For Windows For Performance Analysis
Slide 2 - Outline Why use Event Tracing? How to use Event Tracing Event Tracing vs. PerfCounters What events should be logged An example The kernel logger The Future of ETW
Slide 3 - Goals A better understanding Event Tracing for Windows How to use Event Tracing to increase driver quality How to help your customers use your software efficiently
Slide 4 - Why ETW? Unified logging facility provided by the OS Provides holistic view of the system High speed 1200 to 2000 cycles per logging event Low overhead Less than 5% of the total CPU cycles for 20,000 events/sec Works for both user mode applications and drivers Tracing sessions and event provider separated Dynamically enabled or disabled Designed to allow tracing of production code
Slide 5 - How Event Tracing Works
Slide 6 - Event Tracing Layout Driver / App Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 7 - Provider Registration Driver / App Register yourself as a provider with the system. Register which events you provide Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 8 - Enabling Tracing Driver / App Controller starts a trace file and enables tracing for specified providers Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 9 - Enabling Tracing The provider receives a trace handle via a callback in user mode or interrupt in kernel mode Driver / App ControlCallback TRACEHANDLE Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 10 - Sending Events Send events via the trace handle to the trace session Driver / App TRACEHANDLE Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 11 - Stop Tracing Controller stops the trace session which notifies the provider Driver / App TRACEHANDLE Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 12 - Processing the Trace The consumer processes the log and outputs the events. Driver / App Controller TraceLog.exe Consumer TraceRpt.exe OS
Slide 13 - Events vs. PerfCounters
Slide 14 - Events vs. PerfCounters Events Discrete Events Accurate CPU utilization Freeform data Detailed system info ISR/DPC info PerfCounters 100ms sampled Aligned to system timer Restricted by API High-level diagnostic Less overhead for continuous event
Slide 15 - Logging Events
Slide 16 - Logging Events State Changes Begin/End of significant operations Resource creation/deletion Other events related to performance or reliability Debug events
Slide 17 - Event Header Layout Event header is required for all ETW events GUID for the Event Class UCHAR for the Event Type USHORT for Version
Slide 18 - Flags and Levels Developer-defined values to control event generation of the provider The Provider gets the current flag and level from the Controller Flags are logical groupings of events Levels are gradations of severity Ex Debug events would be high level. Used only in exceptional cases.
Slide 19 - An Example ETW Application
Slide 20 - Creating Events Assign a GUID to each provider referred to as the ControlGUID Create an Event structure Assign a GUID to each event class Assign a UCHAR to each event type Create a MOF for each event type On Windows XP and above must be compiler with mofcomp.exe Create a ControlCallback function for each provider
Slide 21 - My Events DEFINE_GUID( MyEventsGUID, x ); const UCHAR Event1Start = 0; const UCHAR Event1End = 1; const UCHAR Event2Start = 2; const UCHAR Event2End = 3; typedef struct _MyEvent1 { EVENT_TRACE_HEADER m_Header; UINT m_uMyData; WCHAR m_wsMyString[ 256 ]; } MyEvent1; typedef struct _MyEvent2 { EVENT_TRACE_HEADER m_Header; UINT_PTR m_cMyPointer; } MyEvent2;
Slide 22 - MOF Description
Slide 23 - Provider Class MOF #pragma classflags( "forceupdate" ) #pragma namespace( "\\\\.\\Root\\WMI" ) [Dynamic, Description("ETW Example Provider") : amended, Guid("{FDAF6C10-8530-4e23-9D28-715CB763768E}"), locale("MS\\0x409") ] class ExampleProvider:EventTrace { };
Slide 24 - Event Class [Dynamic, Description("ETW Example Events") : amended, Guid("{D3DD533F-9B62-4e78-8747-AAC84E75F5D0}"), DisplayName("ETW Example Events") : amended, locale("MS\\0x409") ] class ExampleEventsClass:ExampleProvider { };
Slide 25 - Example Event 1 MOF [Dynamic, Description(“Example Event 1") : amended, EventType{0, 1}, EventTypeName{"Event1 Start", "Event1 End"} : amended, DisplayName(“Example Event 1") : amended, Version(0), locale("MS\\0x409")] class ExampleEvent1:ExampleEventClass { [WmiDataId(1), Description("LoopCount") : amended, read] uint32 LoopCount; [WmiDataId(2), Description("MyString") : amended, StringTermination("NullTerminated"), format("w"), read] string MyString; };
Slide 26 - Example Event 2 MOF [Dynamic, Description(“Example Event 2") : amended, EventType{2, 3}, EventTypeName{"Event2 Start", "Event2 End"} : amended, DisplayName(“Example Event 2") : amended, Version(0), locale("MS\\0x409")] class ExampleEvent2:ExampleEventClass { [WmiDataId(1), Description("MyPointer") : amended, pointer, format("x"), read] uint32 MyPointer; };
Slide 27 - Registering MOF Descriptions Compile your MOF on installation of your component Mofcomp.exe MyEvents.mof
Slide 28 - Control Callback TRACEHANDLE g_hTrace = NULL; BOOL g_bTracingEnabled = FALSE; ULONG WINAPI MyControlCallback( WMIDPREQUESTCODE RequestCode, PVOID Context, ULONG* Reserved, PVOID Buffer ) { if( RequestCode == WMI_ENABLE_EVENTS ) { g_hTrace = GetTraceLoggerHandle( Buffer ); g_bTracingEnabled = TRUE; SetEvent( g_hStartEvent ); } else if ( RequestCode == WMI_DISABLE_EVENTS ) { g_bTracingEnabled = FALSE; } return 1; }
Slide 29 - Register with ETW Provide ControlGuid and Callback function On callback set/clear global flag TraceOn Instrument code at appropriate places Check Trace Flag Call TraceEvent Unregister Status = RegisterTraceGuids( MyControlCallbck, NULL, MyControlGuid, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &RegistrationHandle); if ( g_bTraceEnabled ) { Status = TraceEvent( TraceHandle, MyEvent ); } UnregisterTraceGuids( RegistrationHandle ); Registering and Sending Events
Slide 30 - Example Run Start ETWProvider.exe TraceLog.exe -f MyLog.etl -guid TraceGuids.txt -start MyLog Run for a while TraceLog.exe -stop MyLog Tracerpt.exe MyLog.etl
Slide 31 - Results Summary.txt Files Processed: MyLog.etl +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Event Count Event Name Event Type Guid | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 EventTrace Header {68fdd900…} | 92 ETW Example Events Event1 Start {d3dd533f…} | 91 ETW Example Events Event1 End {d3dd533f…} | 91 ETW Example Events Event2 Start {d3dd533f…} | 91 ETW Example Events Event2 End {d3dd533f…} +----------------------------------------------------------+ Dumpfile.csv ETW Example Events, Event1 Start, 6190806, 0, "This is my Event1 String" ETW Example Events, Event2 Start, 6658869, 0x0012FF3C ETW Example Events, Event1 End, 7594995, 1, "This is my Event1 String” ETW Example Events, Event2 End, 8219079, 0x0012FF40
Slide 32 - Kernel Mode / Managed Code Providers
Slide 33 - Kernel Mode Providers Register driver with WMI Process WMI IRP IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL Instrument code at appropriate places Check Trace Flag Call IoWmiWriteEvent Unregister Status = IoWMIRegistrationControl( pDeviceObject, WMI_ACTION_REGISTER ); if ( g_bTraceEnabled ) { Status = IoWmiWriteEvent( WmiDataBlock ); } Status = IoWMIRegistrationContol( pDeviceObject, WMI_ACTION_DEREGISTER );
Slide 34 - Managed Code TraceProvider class handles Registration and callback with ETW Instrument code at appropriate places Check enabled TraceEvent Guid SampleGuid = new Guid(“…”); TraceProvider myProvider = new TraceProvider ( “Sample”, SampleGuid ); if ( myProvider.enabled ) { MyProvider.TraceEvent( TransactionGuid, EventType.Start, arg1, arg2 ); }
Slide 35 - The Kernel Logger
Slide 36 - The Kernel Logger Special logger for kernel events Exclusively logged to by the OS Can be merged with other logs Global resource
Slide 37 - Kernel Events Process and Thread creation/deletion Disk and File IO and Loader Memory faults Network Stack Registry Access Context Switch For Windows XP, must register CSwitch.mof from CD ISR/DPC Use –dpcisr switch to TraceLog.exe …
Slide 38 - Enable the Kernel Logger Start ETWProvider.exe TraceLog.exe –f MyLog.etl –guid TraceGuids.txt –start MyLog TraceLog.exe –f KernelLog.etl –start Run for a while TraceLog.exe –stop TraceLog.exe –stop MyLog Tracerpt.exe MyLog.etl KernelLog.etl
Slide 39 - Merged ETW Results Files Processed: MyLog.etl KernelLog.etl +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |Event Count Event Name Event Type Guid | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 65 DiskIo Write {3d6fa8d4…}| | 46 UdpIp Recv {bf3a50c5…}| | 2 HWConfig Default {01853a65…}| | 1 HWConfig CPU {01853a65…}| | 1 HWConfig PhyDisk {01853a65…}| | 2 EventTrace Header {68fdd900…}| | 92 ETW Example Events Event1 Start {d3dd533f…}| | 91 ETW Example Events Event 1End {d3dd533f…}| | 91 ETW Example Events Event2 Start {d3dd533f…}| | 91 ETW Example Events Event2 End {d3dd533f…}| | 10 Thread Start {3d6fa8d1…}| | 12 Thread End {3d6fa8d1…}| +-----------------------------------------------------------+
Slide 40 - Merged ETW Results … DiskIo, Write, 0x001C, 598311281 … UdpIp, Recv, 0xFFFFFFFF, 598467302 … ETW Example Events, Event1 End, 0x0D90, 598779344 … ETW Example Events, Event2 End, 0x0D90, 599247407 … ETW Example Events, Event1 Start, 0x0D90, 600339554 … ETW Example Events, Event2 Start, 0x0D90, 600807617 … ETW Example Events, Event1 End, 0x0D90, 601743743 … DiskIo, Write, 0x0868, 601743743 … …
Slide 41 - ETW Consumers Event Log ( Windows codenamed “Longhorn” ) RATT PIX for Windows ( Q4 ) SysInternals TCPView and DiskMon VS Whidbey
Slide 42 - ETW on Longhorn Overview Key piece of Longhorn Instrumentation Infrastructure New Enhanced and Simplified API Enhanced discovery of instrumented components One set of APIs for tracing (ETW) and eventing (Longhorn EventLog Service) New features and improvements for Longhorn Provider security to protect sensitive data Multiplexing of events to multiple consumers Activity ID support for correlating events TDH library for a unified way to decode events More Events from Windows components More Third-Party ETW produces and consumers
Slide 43 - Call To Action Use tracing to understand what is happening on the system Instrument your software for performance analysis and debugging Ship ETW enabled software Consider exposing selected events for your customers and partners
Slide 44 - Additional Resources Web Resources Event Tracing Reference http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/perfmon/base/about_event_tracing.asp MOF Reference http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/perfmon/base/data_types_for_event_data.asp WDK Tools: TraceLog.exe http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ddtools/hh/ddtools/tracelog_b6beb1b9-7356-4975-8f53-2f2338ae1927.xml.asp TraceRpt.exe available in windows\system32
Slide 45 - © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.