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Breast Cancer PowerPoint Presentation

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Breast Cancer Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Breast Cancer
Slide 2 - What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is where cancerous (malignant) cells are found in the breast tissue. There are several types of breast cancer. Ductal cancer (effects the ducts and also is the most common type) Lobular (which begins in the lobes of the breast and often is found in both breasts) Inflammatory cancer (its where the breast appears swollen and hot) its also very uncommon.
Slide 3 - Symptoms In early breast ca Easily self palpated Nipple discharge May accompanied with axillary LN Late breast ca Local usually symptomatic Depends on metastatic sites
Slide 4 - Stages of breast cancer Stage I - This stage is where the tumor is less than 1 cm across, and has not spread into the surrounding areas. Stage II - Stage II is when the cancer is anywhere from 1-2 cm across, and has spread into the surrounding areas including the lymph nodes (which must also be removed to prevent the further spread of the cancer)
Slide 5 - Stages of breast cancer Stage III - This is the stage for cancer in the advanced stages. Its more than 2 cm across and has spread to the lymph nodes. A type of cancer most associated with this is called inflammatory breast cancer, because the breast is inflamed because the cancer is blocking the lymph nodes. stage IV - In stage IV, the cancer has spread past the breast and the lymph nodes and needs immediate treatment of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy to keep it under control.
Slide 6 - Diagnosis tool Mammography Superior in loose(fatty) breast, elder Breast sonography Superior in dense breast, young age Biopsy Incision Excision Cytology Fine-needle aspiration (FNA)
Slide 7 - Treatments : Radiation therapy Mostly used treatments for breast cancer is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is targeted directly to the specific area and the side effects are limited to the area being treated. It killing all the cells in the effected area. There are two types of radiation, one is administered externally and one internally. External radiation is delivered over a 5-7 weeks and 5 times a week. Internal radiation is where radioactive material is delivered directly into the site where the tumor was. This is usually done at the end of traditional radiation to give it an extra “boost” at the end of treatment.
Slide 8 - Treatments : Herceptin Herceptin introduces the cancer to your immune system, taking a more proactive approach to the cancer by attacking the cancer like any other foreign invader in your body. Herceptin is only effective in certain types of cancer. Herceptin side effects include, fever, chills, muscle aches, and nausea. In rare cases (5%) heart trauma occurs which can lead to strokes, and even congestive heart failure.
Slide 9 - Treatments : Chemotherapy Chemotherapy effects the whole body even if the cancer has not spread. Chemotherapy also reduces your leukocytes (white blood cells that is also our immune system), making you more susceptible to every day bugs. The side effects include nausea and, losing all your hair. its also available in pill, and liquid form. As always its your choice and should not be taken lightly.
Slide 10 - Treatments : Others There are also several alternative medicines that can help to reduce or eliminate breast cancer. CO-Q10 reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy
Slide 11 - Healthy food treatments Perhaps one of the best ways to help prevent cancer is an easy one but often overlooked. Diets high in meat, fast foods, refined carbohydrates, simple sugars, low in fruit and veggies are at high risk of developing cancer. Diets need to be well balanced in that you need to eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Don’t forget the whole grain foods as well.
Slide 12 - Exercise That means to get off the couch an do something, start walk, ride a bike or just exercise in you own home.
Slide 13 - Don’t forget to take care of your self!!