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The Strategic Planning PowerPoint Presentation

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The Strategic Planning Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - The strategic planning (Strategic Management)
Slide 2 - Before developing plans for the individual departments, a larger plan for the entire organization must be developed. Then, objectives and strategies established at the top level provide the planning context for each division. The strategic planning
Slide 3 - 3-1/ Definition Strategic planning is the process of formulating and implementing strategic plans. It involves identifying the major objectives of an organization, choosing the strategies needed to achieve them, creating plans to implement the stategies, and then doing the required work.
Slide 4 - 3-1/ Definition It involves 5 steps: Where do we want to be in the future? How well are we currently doing? How can we get where we really want to be? Has everything been done that needs to be done? Are things working out as planned, and why?
Slide 5 - 3-1/ Definition The strategic planning is responsibility of the top-management, although it requires participation of managers at all levels
Slide 6 - 3-2/ The growth of strategic planning Many of today’s most successful business organization continue to survive because many years ago they offered the right product at the right time. In other hand, wisdom and intuition can help to make decisions but still not sufficient to guide the destiny of organization. And because of uncertainty, instability and chaging environment. Therefore, managers turn to the use of strategic planning
Slide 7 - 3-2/ The growth of strategic planning Strategic planning is A process that involves the review of market condition, customer’s nedds, competitive strenghts and weaknesses, resources and opportunities. The developement of strategic plans involves taking information from the environment and deciding upon the organizational mission, objectives…
Slide 8 - 3-3/ The importance of strategic planning Plans for the future were merely extensions of where the organization had been in the past. Due to energy crises, deregulation, accelerating technological change, uncertainty of markets, competition… managers are forced to develop a systematic means of analyzing the envirnoment, assessing their organization’s strenghts and weaknesses, and identifying opportunities where the organizations could have a competitive advantage.
Slide 9 - 3-4/ The nature of strategic planning Organizations exists to make contributions to society. If it fails, it can disintegrate. So, strategy is concerned with the grand picture of how organization serve society, and strategic planning is concerned with how organizations intentionnally and systematically make decisions about products, services, customers, and human resources vital both to itself and society.
Slide 10 - 3-4-1/ Relating Strategic plan- Operational plans
Slide 11 - 3-4-1/ Relating Strategic plan- Operational plans Most managers will not directly develop organization’s strategic plan. However, they may be involved to the process in 2 ways: By providing inputs in the form of informations and suggestions relating to their particular areas of responsibility. They must be completely aware of what the process of strategic planning as well as the results.
Slide 12 - 3-4-2/ Relating organizational objectives- Operational objectives
Slide 13 - 3-4-2/ Organizational objectives- Operational objectives If planning is done, it will clearly appear in all levels in the organization. Objectives and strategies plan for the entire organization relate to objectives and strategies that are part of operational plans for individual departments. As we move down from the top of the organization to lower levels in term of who does the planning, we increase the detail and specificity of the objectives, and we decrease their time span.
Slide 14 - THANK YOU