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Implementation PowerPoint Presentation

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Implementation Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - IMPLEMENTATION (Strategic Management)
Slide 2 - Implementation definitions Strategy implementation is the process by which strategies and policies are put into action through the development of programs, budgets and procedures. Strategy implementation means putting the strategy to work, or putting it into action. It involves accomplishment of administrative tasks, allocation of necessary resources to strategic programs, and the development of appropriate organizational systems and competencies to support strategic plans.
Slide 3 - Implementation definitions Implementation involves executing the strategic plan. It is the process of: Designing the organization's structure and climate to match the strategy. Ensuring that divisional and functional managers have the right background, skills, and attributes to make the strategy work. Employing the right functional policies to make the strategy work. Motivating collaborators to execute the plans. Allocating resources to the operating units in support of the strategies approved for those units.
Slide 4 - Implementing strategic decisions  The purpose of implementation is ensuring that the planned results of the strategic decisions are realized. Implementation involves carrying out the chosen strategy-doing what must be done to make the strategy successful. Successful implementation requires that management shape the formal structure of the organization, its informal relationship and the processes of motivation and control to the particular needs of their strategy. Implementing strategy decisions results in the choice of organization structure, of information and measurement Systems, and of reward-and-punishment systems. The first step in implementation is identifying the activities, decisions and relationships critical to accomplishing the strategy.
Slide 5 - Key Implementation Tasks Implementation of strategies is a managerial task performed by the operational organization. The organization - its structure, processes systems, and people - must be pointed toward what is needed to make the strategy work. Five tasks are vital to successful implementation: 1- Building an organization capable of carrying out the strategic plan. 2- Allocating and focusing resources on strategic objectives 3- Galvanizing organization commitment to the chosen strategic plan. 4- Installing internal managerial support systems 5- Exerting strategic leadership
Slide 6 - Characteristics of "Implementable" Strategic Plans They are linked to the appropriate control System within the organization. They are "owned" by operating management. They are perceived as being achievable by those responsible for implementation.
Slide 7 - Thank You