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The Tell Tale Heart PowerPoint Presentation

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The Tell Tale Heart Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe
Slide 2 - Power Point PresentationonThe Tell Tale Heart asPresented by Rita Higgins, InstructorHumanities DivisionEssex County College
Slide 3 - Bonaparte or Poe?
Slide 4 - How Does the Nervous System Relate to the Story?
Slide 5 - “Do You Think I’m Mad?”Who is Speaking Here?
Slide 6 - Is The Protagonist Male or Female?
Slide 7 - Harken! And observe how healthily – how calmly I can…
Slide 8 - Do You Ear What I Ear?
Slide 9 - Connect This Picture to the Story!
Slide 10 - Can You Guess the Subject?Can You Guess the Artist?
Slide 11 - How are Michelangelo and Poe’s Works Combined in This Painting?
Slide 12 - How Does Van Gogh’s Picture Relate to the Story?
Slide 13 - How Does This Picture Relate?
Slide 14 - A eye with a _____________over It
Slide 15 - How Does This Picture Relate To The Story?
Slide 16 - Perry Mason, “And Precisely What Time Did the Protagonist Enter the Old Man’s Room Every Night?
Slide 17 - Enter Exhibit A: What is this and what part does it play in the story?
Slide 18 - How Does This Picture Relate?How does it not Relate?Remember, You’re Under Oath!
Slide 19 - What Are These Witnesses Reenacting? What’s the Symbolism?
Slide 20 - Enter Exhibit B: How Does This Picture Relate to the Story?
Slide 21 - Your Honor, I enter exhibit C. Discuss if this evidence is relevant to the story.
Slide 22 - One Witness Testified that he heard the protagonist scream, “Tear up the…
Slide 23 - What Did The Protagonist Think The Police Would Find? Why?
Slide 24 - Defense Let’s not be too hasty in condemning the protagonist. Actually, The Tell Tale Heart has been researched for facts based on historical data. Critical analysis of the story raises an interesting question. The murderer was afraid of the old man’s eye, but why? Look at the next picture and see if you can guess the commonly held belief that was popular in Poe’s time.
Slide 25 - An Ancient Argument in the Protagonist’s Defense – Can you Guess What it is?
Slide 26 - Exhibit B in Defendant’s Argument
Slide 27 - A Universal Superstition
Slide 28 - Remember our Protagonist Who Is on Trial?
Slide 29 - Remember he claimed to have Loved the old man? Do you buy his story? Why or why not?
Slide 30 - Remember that while the old man was indeed old…
Slide 31 - He Still Had A Life! 92 year old girlfriend, Betty. One good eye in sound working condition. Motor bike enthusiast.
Slide 32 - The Prosecutor’s Argument Perry Mason is incensed that the defending attorney would use the old, “It’s okay to kill someone if you are superstitious” trick. Based on moral argument, Mason shows the jury alternatives the defendant could have taken. Let’s see if you can guess what they are…
Slide 33 - I submit to the jury, that if the defendant did indeed love the old man as he claimed, then why didn’t he show it by taking an alternate route to murder?
Slide 34 - Let’s Get Some Assistance My English 088 Class thought of the following two alternatives. Let’s see if you can guess what they are based on the following slides…
Slide 35 - The Prosecution Argues: Alternative To Murder – Hint 1
Slide 36 - Alternative #2 Small Hint
Slide 37 - Okay, Bigger Hint
Slide 38 - Biggest HintWhat could the defendant have done instead of killing the old man?
Slide 39 - Correct! He could have forced the old man to become a cowboy.
Slide 40 - Strike the last file from the records for being____ topic. The alternative is obvious, ladies and gentlemen…PIRATISM…aargh!
Slide 41 - But the defendant considered no other alternatives.
Slide 42 - Hummmm… Let’s consider some of the alternatives proposed by my creative writing students… Can you guess what they proposed as an alternative to killing the old man?
Slide 43 - Alternative To Murder – Hint 3
Slide 44 - Alternative To Murder – Hint 4
Slide 45 - Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I submit to you, two apple corers and one lemon zester!
Slide 46 - By Reason of _______, The JuryFinds the Defendant
Slide 47 - To be Vincent Price?
Slide 48 - Bette Davis?
Slide 49 - The Verdict? Most people would find the defendant to be something. Based on what you know about our collective culture and society in general, what do you believe the probable verdict would be based on the evidence?
Slide 50 - The Defense’s Final Plea: Can You guess by the picture what it is?
Slide 51 - The Defendant’s Aberrant Brain
Slide 52 - We The Jury, Find the Defendant to be Criminally ____________!
Slide 53 - The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan PoeasPresented by Rita Higgins, InstructorHumanities DivisionEssex County CollegeThank You