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Slide 1 - The Globalization of Environmentalism AP World History Chapter 24 “Accelerating Global Interaction” (Since 1945)
Slide 2 - Environmental Changes 3 major factors accelerated the impact of humans on the environment in the 20th century: Population explosion New ability of humankind to tap the energy potential of fossil fuels  coal, oil, hydroelectricity, natural gas, nuclear power Unprecedented economic growth as science and technology increased the production of goods and services
Slide 3 - Environmental Changes Growing numbers of the poor and growing consumption of the rich = led to the doubling of cropland and depletion of the world’s forests and grasslands Numerous species of animals and plants = either endangered or extinct Increased numbers of other species = ex: cattle, pigs, chickens, rats, dandelions Massive air pollution in major cities Thinning of the ozone layer from released CFCs
Slide 4 - Environmental Changes Most critical environmental transformation = global warming Caused by two major factors: Increased burning of fossil fuels = emit heat-trapping greenhouse gases Loss of trees = would otherwise remove carbon dioxide from the air
Slide 5 - Environmental Changes Concerns with global warming: Melting glaciers and polar ice caps Rising sea levels Thawing permafrost Extreme hurricanes Further species extinction
Slide 6 - Green and Global 1st wave of environmentalism = in the 1800s in the wake of the industrial revolution Expressed a need for “scientific management” of nature “Wilderness idea” = aimed to preserve untouched areas from human disruption Creation of many U.S. national parks No mass following or large global response Yellowstone National Park In Wyoming Established in 1872
Slide 7 - Green and Global 2nd wave of environmentalism = in the 2nd half of the 1900s Began with the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Exposed the chemical contamination of the environment that threatened both human health and the survival of many species Generated an enormous response and launched the environmental movement in the U.S.
Slide 8 - Green and Global This environmental movement spread to other parts of the West as well Club of Rome = a global think tank headquartered in Europe Germany = emergence of the Green Party Major concerns of Western environmentalists = pollution, wilderness issues, and opposition to development in untouched areas
Slide 9 - Green and Global 1970s-1980s = environmental movements began in the Global South as well
Slide 10 - Green and Global Late 20th century = environmentalism became a global concern Led to the global “green revolution” Legislation passed in many countries to limit air pollution Pushed many businesses in a “green” direction Fostered research on alternative and renewable resources Stimulated UN conferences on global warming Persuaded millions of people to “go green” and alter their way of life Generated many international agreements addressing issues such as ozone depletion and global warming
Slide 11 - Green and Global Major conflict between the Global North and Global South = developing countries often feel that Northern initiatives to address atmospheric pollution and global warming will prevent their industrial development Global South pushed to limit its emissions to cut down on pollution, but they didn’t create that pollution in the first place Shouldn’t the industrialized countries accept more responsibility?
Slide 12 - Results of Global Environmentalism “One world” thinking Focus on the common plight of humankind Marked a challenge to modernity Ideas of sustainability and restraint entered global discussions