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SIX STEPS TO EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING Personal Websites PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional SIX STEPS TO EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING Personal Websites powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on SIX STEPS TO EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING Personal Websites in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Why are manhole covers round?
Slide 2 - Thinking about effective lesson plans… “Attention Getters” (anticipatory set) Objectives Instructional strategies Appropriate technologies Assessments
Slide 3 - Attention getters (anticipatory sets) “Setting the stage” for engagement Create “disequilibrium” Connect with students Provide opportunities for students to immediately engage the content How have you experienced these three? Disequilibrium: Manhole cover, present information that contradicts previously assessed prior knowledge Connect with students: “Who am I?” Immediate engagement: Journaling with accessible questions
Slide 4 - Objectives (I) Identify relevant standards Transform standards for students: Describe what needs to happen to meet expectations Help students identify what is important Specify (and differentiate) knowledge and learning skills
Slide 5 - Objectives (II)
Slide 6 - Instructional Strategies (1) What am I asking my students to learn? (i.e. content) How much prior domain knowledge do my students possess? (pre-assessment) How am I asking my students to learn? (i.e. process of learning) Developmentally appropriate? Embed skill building activities?
Slide 7 - Instructional Strategies (2) Total Processing Space in Working Memory (short-term memory) Operating Space Storage Space
Slide 8 - Technologies How can technologies be used to enhance students’ ability to meet learning objectives? Simulations? SmartBoards? Sentios/clickers? iPads? Adventure Learning?
Slide 9 - ASSESSMENT (1) Backward design Transparency of expectations Valid assessments Accommodate diverse learners
Slide 10 - ASSESSMENT (2) What type of formal/informal assessments have you seen? What types of assessments are particularly useful for a teacher and a student? Exit cards (“one thing you learned today” and/or answer to a question); journaling (two-minute summary; one question that student has at end of class); thumbs up/down; anonymous response via clickers;
Slide 11 - Evaluating lesson plans Is there evidence of an “Attention Getters” (anticipatory set)? Are there clear objectives? Will students understand what they are learning and why? To what extent does the lesson plan account for how students are being asked to learn? To what extent does the lesson plan incorporate appropriate technologies? To what extent does the lesson plan incorporate effective assessments?