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School Eye Health and Refractive Errors PowerPoint Presentation

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School Eye Health and Refractive Errors Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - School Eye Health and Refractive Errors Hasan Minto
Slide 2 - The Facts 2.2 billion children in the world 1 billion (every second child) lives in poverty 30% of children in developing countries are underweight In 2005, 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school - 57 percent of them were girls According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty
Slide 3 - A Case Study of MIEPDistribution by Diagnosis
Slide 4 - Comparison of Presenting and Corrected Distance Visual Acuities
Slide 5 - Global Initiatives Education for All Millennium Development Goals Achieve universal primary education Health Promoting Schools Child Friendly Schools Focusing Resources on Effective School Health Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Food for Education Early Childhood Development
Slide 6 - Components of School Health School nutrition-micronutrient and vitamin supplements Deworming - helminths Injuries HIV /AIDs Tobacco Drugs and alcohol Violence Counselling ???? EYE HEALTH 6
Slide 7 - Eye conditions that can affect primary school age children 1. Allergic eye disease 2. Red sticky eyes (infective conjunctivitis) 3. Eye injuries 4. Refractive errors
Slide 8 - Integrated Comprehensive School Eye Health Programs
Slide 9 - School Eye Health Identification and service delivery Vision testing Post treatment care - glasses, low vision devices Primary eye care; first aid, diagnosis and treatment Specific disease programmes; trachoma Teachers; vision testing, referral, mainly presbyopia Siblings and parents; vision testing, referral 9
Slide 10 - Factors Considered Demographics Population % <16 Gender Primary school enrolment Primary school drop out Visual Acuity cut-off: < 6/12 or 6/9 Binocular or Monocular
Slide 11 - FACTORS CONSIDERED Existence of school health programs Make sure ALL stake holders are “on board” with screening process Referral pathways Ensure adequate resources for follow-up Fresh partnerships Factors Considered
Slide 12 - Strategies Three tier screening points: Child to child Teachers as first point of contact Itinerant Optometrist/Refractionists Referral to hospital Planning tools: Refractive services planning tool CBL need calculating tool Supporting Laws/Policies: Health Education
Slide 13 - Link between visual health and learning SEHP enhances the quality of education by: Early identification and action for children Back up health referral system Ensures that the eye health of children and staff is included in the SHP Educate children and staff on how to become inclusive Summary
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