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Medieval Crime and Punishment PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Medieval Crime and Punishment powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Medieval Crime and Punishment in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Medieval Crime and Punishment Jazmyn Patterson Bianka Zerpa
Slide 2 - Medieval life Throughout the medieval period it was believed that the only way to keep order was to make sure that the people were scared of the punishments given for crimes committed. For this reason all crimes from stealing to murder had harsh punishments.
Slide 3 - Crime and Punishments
Slide 4 - Crime and Punishments
Slide 5 - Methods of Medieval Torture Ripping out teeth and nails Castration Drowning Roasting Genital Mutilation Limb/finger or tongue removal Starvation Stoning
Slide 6 - Crime and Punishment Roles Minor crime –lords had authority to punish in local courthouse Sheriff/police –keep criminals under lock and key Catholic church used torture and imprisonment to obtain confessions
Slide 7 - Punishment Tools
Slide 8 - Punishment Tools The Rack: on one end of the instrument was used to fasten the victims leg, and the other side fastened the hands. As the handle would be moved the ropes would eventually dislocate the arms and legs.
Slide 9 - Punishment Tools The Scavengers Daughter: The elongated device compressed the victims body in a low crouching kneel-down position. As the grip would tighten on the person it would cause blood to crush out the ear and nose.