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Legal Investigation in Social Media (How to Do It) PowerPoint Presentation

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Legal Investigation in Social Media (How to Do It) Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Legal Investigation in Social Media: How to Do It; How Not to Do It Benjamin Wright, Attorney SANS Institute: “Law of Data Security & Investigations” This is not legal advice.
Slide 2 - Agenda How to record evidence Admissibility and authentication of evidence Risks in collecting evidence Methods for managing risks The power of a “preservation letter” General principles for guiding social media investigations
Slide 3 - Examples Regulatory investigators gather evidence via social media “Welfare cheat foiled by Facebook” http://bit.ly/JQSMrQ Based on Facebook videos, Hawaiian Humane Society issues citations; prosecutor to press charges http://bit.ly/IsfgxZ
Slide 4 - Many Social Networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are just a part of the topic Many new social networks, like Google Plus, Quora, Instagram, Groupon, Pinterest, Touristlink Thousands of blogs and special interest forums
Slide 5 - Different from Traditional Digital Forensics Investigations Traditional: investigator has access to hardware that holds data In web, cloud or social media investigation, investigator typically does not have direct access to hardware on which original data are stored The data can change from minute to minute Format of service changes from month to month Service provider may or may not cooperate
Slide 6 - Rely on Witness Testimony Ultimately, court looks to someone to testify about what happened & how it looked at a point in time Two witnesses are better than one Printout – most common form of social media investigative record But printouts can be awkward and can miss a lot
Slide 7 - Screencast Captures the look, the words, the images, the interactivity and inter-relationships from one page and link to the next Captures webcam narration by witness – which can be compelling to judge and jury Free, open-source tool: screencast-o-matic.com Other products like Camtasia
Slide 8 - ppt slide no 8 content not found
Slide 9 - Many Posts and Demos of Screencast Evidence Capture http://bit.ly/e825MF - live chat http://bit.ly/ePV9E0 - web activity http://bit.ly/w3swEC - online financial trades http://bit.ly/nsZ6ZG - undercover police in social media I welcome your comments, questions and criticism!
Slide 10 - Screencast Script Create a unified package of evidence, integrating pages, links and testimony Investigator – as eyewitness -- recorded by audio or webcam Script of the investigator: His identity, purpose & authority Time and date His statement of signature, taking responsibility for what he sees
Slide 11 - The Power of an Affidavit:Paper, Audio, Video or Other File “I, Jane Doe, hereby affirm that I collected the following evidence in the way described.” Sign, date, notarize Prevents Jane Does’ memory from wandering Jane Doe may not work for, or cooperate with, you two years from now Webcam signature is pretty convincing http://bit.ly/a0X9kZ
Slide 12 - Corroborate Date and Time State date and time in record/affidavit; then Send record by enterprise email to multiple people (timestamp), or Store the record on enterprise sharepoint, which shows audit trail with time, or Upload record to a third party service like Microsoft skydrive, which records date
Slide 13 - Undercover Cops Example Two witnesses Record voice but no video Mercer County prosecutor’s office, New Jersey – gang investigation http://bit.ly/Ai3nQB
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Slide 15 - Investigative/Recording Tools Vere Software X1 Discovery Hashbot Iterasi web archiving service Others Each works differently Regardless, an affidavit from a witness is helpful.
Slide 16 - Hook into APIs & Collect Meta Data
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Slide 18 - Consider Terms of Service Platform application developers and operators http://www.facebook.com/legal/terms Post privacy policy "You will delete all data you receive from us concerning a user if the user asks you to do so, and will provide a mechanism for users to make such a request. ... You will make it easy for users to remove or disconnect from your application."
Slide 19 - General Facebook Terms http://www.facebook.com/legal/terms “If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.”
Slide 20 - Interpretation Does this mean no one can, without consent, copy something from Facebook for purposes of an investigation? I think not. Making limited copies is generally accepted practice. But the principle of “proportionality” is relevant.
Slide 21 - “Proportionality” The scale of data collection matters A broad, general principle from privacy and e-discovery law is that the collecting and management of data should be “proportionate” to the case (considering risks, costs, urgency and so on) See blog articles http://bit.ly/ga7U7w and http://bit.ly/937Swa
Slide 22 - Admission of Evidence Social media evidence is very commonly admitted into legal proceedings Varying degrees of formality in proceedings However, some criminal cases show skeptical courts Criminal cases have higher standard of proof
Slide 23 - Authenticate Myspace Griffin v. Maryland, No. 74 (Maryland; Apr. 28, 2011) - In murder trial, questions arise why a witness gives conflicting testimony. Prosecution tries to show defendant’s girlfriend threatened witness through Myspace. Court: Myspace evidence insufficiently authenticated. An imposter could have posted the message.
Slide 24 - Addressing the Authentication Issue: Law Enforcement Search Warrants Can collect details from the service provider like IP address, time, application, mobile carrier and more These details can help with authentication Zachary Wolff, “Twitter: To log or not to log: Is that the question?” http://blog.logrhythm.com/uncategorized/631/
Slide 25 - Alternative Ways to Authenticate Evidence Interact with the user (if permitted) Gather corroborating detail about user statements, activities and timeline Corroborating details can be collected from multiple sources (Facebook, Twitter, special interest forums, games, phone, witnesses and so on)
Slide 26 - Risks: Ethical Limitations New York State Bar Ethics Opinion 843 (9/10/2010); NY City Bar Formal Opinion 2010-2; San Diego County Bar Opinion 2011-2 Lawyers may view public postings of adversaries May not friend an adversary represented by a lawyer May not use deception to friend someone
Slide 27 - No Trespassing Sign? Pietrylo v. Hillstone Restaurant Group Private Myspace forum: “talk about all the crap/drama/and gossip occurring in our workplace, without having to worry about outside eyes prying in.” Management got password; fired employees Jury: company must pay back wages and punitive damages
Slide 28 - Lessons from the Hillstone Case Exercise restraint and discretion Watch out for and evaluate claims of privacy Careful with passwords that don’t belong to you
Slide 29 - Managing Risk:Restraint and Proportionality Canada Privacy Commissioner (PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-019): employer may investigate if employee had violated employment contract Principle: have a logical, evidence-based justification for getting sensitive information Predicate evidence justifies getting more evidence, but only what is necessary This principle is consistent with discovery principles in civil litigation
Slide 30 - Managing Risk:Interview the Subject First? A formal HR interview or deposition puts pressure on subject to tell the truth Yes, subject could delete data, but Deletion of data itself is evidence of wrongdoing that could hang the subject Deleting data is harder than it looks because copies are spread everywhere
Slide 31 - Power of a Preservation Letter Letter puts adversary on notice not to destroy records Focuses the adversary’s attention electronic evidence and all the steps that might be necessary to preserve http://bit.ly/A5XrGH
Slide 32 - Legal Steps to Access Non-Public Data Consent of the user E-discovery demand to user Informal request to social network Subpoena to social network Search warrant for law enforcement Find the data in an alternative, public location
Slide 33 - Informal Request Very commonly service providers – especially smaller ones – will cooperate with requests from government Fugitive plays World of Warcraft Howard County, Indiana, Sheriff sends polite letter to operator of game Service provider reveals IP address, which leads to fugitive in Canada http://bit.ly/xzpMwh
Slide 34 - Civil Subpoenas for Content Big service providers tend to resist Smaller service providers may be more cooperative Crispin v. Christian Audigier, Inc. Civil subpoena to FB and Myspace quashed Content protected under Stored Communications Act May be difference between private messages and wall postings
Slide 35 - Alternative Locations for Evidence Notices and copies to email or phone SMS (text) Replication at other sites (my Facebook and LinkedIn repeat my tweets) Sharing by friends Cache on computer
Slide 36 - General Principles for Investigators Keep thorough, signed, time-stamped records Record your justification Keep the methods and evidence capture proportionate and within the scope of the justification User consent (employment application or terms of employment) reduces risk Be creative to find the data
Slide 37 - Blog: benjaminwright.usGoogle Plus: gplus.to/privacy This presentation is not legal advice for any particular situation. If you need legal advice, you should consult the lawyer who advises you or your organization. Use this material at your own risk. Anyone may reuse or reproduce it.