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Embryonic Stem Cells Immortality PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Embryonic Stem Cells = Immortality? Medical benefits are almost unlimited Cell replacement therapies Design better medications and produce organs, limbs Human achievement
Slide 2 - Thesis We should increase funding for and remove restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
Slide 3 - Experience Learned about stem cells and cell development through courses including Genetics Cell Biology Neurobiology and Developmental Biology Pursuing career in medicine/medical research.
Slide 4 - Do you have diabetes or a family history of cancer or heart disease? Do you have family or friends who are sick? Do you engage in behavior that has long term negative consequences? This encompasses almost everybody
Slide 5 - How would it work? Using stem cells one could replace dysfunctional or dead cells. e.g. Heart attack e.g. Diabetes Drug development Regrow organs, limbs
Slide 6 - It could cure 25 million Americans w/ heart disease 21 million Americans w/ diabetes 10.8 million Americans w/ cancer Countless other people suffering from more than 70 other diseases and injuries. Seems so obvious…
Slide 7 - Current funding is insufficient ONLY $40 million California’s attempt If we had underfunded NASA
Slide 8 - Restrictions on ES research In 2001 President Bush restricted ES research to 80 lines. Only 20 of the lines are useful. All lines may be contaminated. This current research may fail
Slide 9 - Consequences of Bush’s restrictions Dr. Irv Weissman says that these restrictions have severely affected research. Director of NIH Elias A. Zerhouni agreed that research is being hindered According to Martin Rees, US laws have global implications
Slide 10 - Embryonic stem cells show promise for cures SHORT TERM Skin grafts Blood producing factories And drug testing LONG TERM Cures for numerous diseases New organs And new limbs
Slide 11 - What will it take? National priority In 1961 Kennedy issued a challenge We have the money… 275 million a day in Iraq Where do you think the money should go? The more we invest, the faster the benefits could be realized
Slide 12 - Conclusion People are dying every day If you had a terminal illness Lobby your government representatives. I challenge you to make a difference Help make the promise of embryonic stem cell research a reality.
Slide 13 - Questions?
Slide 14 - Bibliography Nicholas Wade, New York Times Staff Writer, May 9, 2003. “Clinics hold more embryos than had been thought,” (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://eebweb.arizona.edu/courses/ecol223/Clinics%20Hold%20More%20Embryos%20Than%20Had%20Been%20Thought%20-%20New%20York%20Times.pdf Bill Frist, Senator, July 13, 2006. “Time to lift federal restrictions on stem cell research,” (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2006/07/13/EDGOBIPUT61.DTL Ed Bradley, CBS News Reporter. Feb. 26, 2006. “Scientist hopes for stem cell success,” (Viewed Feb 20, 2008) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/23/60minutes/main1341635.shtml# CDC, Oct. 26, 2005 “Number of Americans with diabetes continues to increase,” (Viewed Feb 20, 2008) http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/pressrel/fs051026.htm CDC, December 31, 2007. “Heart Disease,” (Viewed Feb 20, 2008) http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/heart.htm American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures 2008, (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf Cosmos Magazine, July 20, 2006. “Scientists denounce Bush veto of stem-cell research bill,” (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/node/433 American Association for Cancer Research, March 20, 2007. “NIH director breaks with Bush policy, wants limits eased on stem cell research,” (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://www.aacr.org/home/public--media/public-policy--legislative-affairs/legislative-news.aspx?d=724 NIH, Feb 5, 2008. “Estimates of funding for various research areas,” (Viewed Feb. 20, 2008) http://www.nih.gov/news/fundingresearchareas.htm