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Doctor and Patient Relationship PowerPoint Presentation

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Doctor and Patient Relationship Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Doctor and Patient Relationship B9802023黃浩瑋
Slide 2 - Prototypes of doctor-patient relationship
Slide 3 - Paternalism Is widely regarded as the traditional form of doctor-patient relationship A passive patient and a dominant doctor
Slide 4 - Parsons’ model Parson saw the doctor and patient as fulfilling necessary functions in a well balanced and maintained social structure Sickness is considered to be a necessary, occasional respite, providing a brief exemption for patient from social responsibilities
Slide 5 - Patient’s role When sick, a patient is allowed the privileges of convalescence-he or she is not held responsible for poor health and is excused from everyday responsibilities In order to enjoy these privileges, the patient must seek technically competent help and comply with medical advice →passive and dependent
Slide 6 - Doctor’s role The doctor legitimates the patient’s illness and determines the course of treatment. In doing so, the physician is compelled by professional ethics to act only in his or her sphere of expertise, to maintain an emotional detachment and distance from the patient, and to act in the patient’s best interest →professionally dominant and autonomous
Slide 7 - Advantages The supportive nature of paternalism appears to be all the more important when patient are very sick at their most vulnerable Relief from the burden of worry is curative in itself, and the trust and confident implied by this model allow doctor to perform “medical magic” →placebo
Slide 8 - Disadvantages It is the potential for legitimate medical authority to be used for manipulation and exploitation of the vulnerable and ill that has fueled the ascendance of the autonomy doctrine to the preeminent bioethical value in patient-physician relationships.
Slide 9 - Discussion To prevent the manipulation and exploitation of the vulnerable, there is a so called autonomy principle , is it good? What is your opinion?
Slide 10 - Consumerism The patients’ challenge to unilateral decision making by physicians in reaching closure on diagnoses and working out treatment plans Reversing the very basic nature of the power relationship
Slide 11 - Patient’s role Health shoppers Indications of consumer behavior Cost-consciousness Information seeking Exercising independent judgment Consumer knowledge
Slide 12 - Doctor’s role Health care providers Technical consultant To convince the necessity of medical services A tendency for the “consumer to be right”
Slide 13 - Advantages Patients can have their own choices Medicine is not an accomplished science. There are tremendous gaps in knowledge. Indeed, it has been estimated that the effectiveness of treatment is unknown for about 90% of the medical condition seen in routine practice
Slide 14 - Disadvantages Patients are being more selective in the acceptance of provider advice, based on its cost When things seem to go wrong, when satisfaction is low, or when a patient suspect less than optimal care or outcome, patients are more likely to question physician authority
Slide 15 - Discussion The doctor-patient relationship of consumerism seems easily to be adopted, we can simplify the complicated relationship with “buyer and seller” relationship, is it good or bad? What is your opinion?
Slide 16 - Mutuality The optimal doctor-patient relationship model This model views neither the patient nor the physician as standing aside Each of participants brings strengths and resources to the relationship Based on the communication between doctors and patients
Slide 17 - Patient’s role Patients need to define their problems in an open and full manner The patient’s right to seek care elsewhere when demands are not satisfactorily met
Slide 18 - Doctor’s role Physicians need to work with the patient to articulate the problem and refine the request The physician’s right to withdraw services formally from a patient if he or she feels it is impossible to satisfy the patient’s demand
Slide 19 - Advantages Patients can fully understand what problem they are coping with through physicians’ help Physicians can entirely know patient’s value Decisions can easily be made from a mutual and collaborative relationship
Slide 20 - Disadvantages Physicians do not know what certain degree should they reach in communication If the communication is fake, both physicians and patients do not have mutual understanding, making decision is overwhelming to a patient
Slide 21 - Discussion Is the patient capable of making the important therapeutic decision even though they have good communication of the physician?
Slide 22 - Default When patient and physician expectation are at odds, or when the need for change in the relationship cannot be negotiated, the relationship may come to a dysfunction standstill
Slide 23 - Discussion How to resolve this kind of embarrassed situation?
Slide 24 - Doctor-patient relationship in the past Paternalism Because physicians in the past are people who have higher social status “doctor” is seen as a sacred occupation which saves people’s lives The advices given by doctors are seen as paramount mandate
Slide 25 - Doctor-patient relationship at present Consumerism and mutuality Patients nowadays have higher education and better economic status The concept of patient’s autonomy The ability to question doctors
Slide 26 - Reasons for the change Doctors’ condition Patients’ condition Environmental factors
Slide 27 - Conclusion Relationship between patients and doctors are often unstated, and thy are dynamic As conditions change, the kind of relationship that works best for a patient may change Doctors and patients should choose a “relationship fit”
Slide 28 - Structure Analysis four prototypes of doctor-patient relationship Paternalism Consumerism Mutuality Default
Slide 29 - Structure Doctor-patient relationship in the past Doctor-patient relationship at present Discuss reasons for the change Conclusion and my comments