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Denver Airport Handling System (DABHS) PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Denver Airport Handling System (DABHS) By: Tatiana Castillo
Slide 2 - Reasons for Case Study Demonstrates that information system project failures are a worldwide problem, not based on one region. Information system projects have been a problem for over 15 years. Project management has learned little over previous failures. Project management in information systems lacks the natural progression (illusive perfection) of improvement.
Slide 3 - Denver Airport Baggage Handling System (DABHS) Unique in its complexity, novel in its technology and new in its capacity. The Baggage Handling System was to be at the heart of the new Denver International Airport (DIA). The Airport expanded for more than 53 sq miles and had room for 12 major runways. DIA was to be a model for airports of the future.
Slide 4 - Goal of DABHS Improve ground efficiency Reduce closeout time for hub operations Decrease time-consuming manual sorting and handling (Donaldson,2002) The Airport was scheduled to open on the 31st of October 1993; with all 3 concourses fully running on the BAE automated baggage-handling system. Opened on the 28th of February 1995, 16 months late and $200 million over budget (Donaldson, 2002).
Slide 5 - Qualities of DABHS Designed by BAE systems Allows airport planners to design airports of larger size, using narrow corridors and tunnels for baggage where no tug and cart system can run Labour costs are minimal and is completely automatic and runs faster and more reliably than those using traditional technology
Slide 6 - Conclusion Two main areas of that caused the delay in the operation of the automated baggage handling system. Firstly, the newness of technology caused complexity with the automated baggage handling system. Secondly, DIA struggled with the changes of the project and the operation of the systems that were being enforced. Although, DABHS project suffered a level two failure, it was a critical component for the airport to operate, so the idea of complete failure was incomprehensible.