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BIRDS IN THE BOISE AREA PowerPoint Presentation

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BIRDS IN THE BOISE AREA Presentation Transcript

Slide 2 - Top 15 Birds Dark-eyed Junco House Finch Northern Flicker American Goldfinch Pine Siskin Mourning Dove American Robin House Sparrow European Starling Red-winged Blackbird Black-capped Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch Downy Woodpecker California Quail Song Sparrow
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Slide 4 - Dark-eyed Junco “Snowbirds” Arrives early winter Sparrow family Prefers millet, weeds, grasses Ground feeder Pink bill, white belly
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Slide 6 - House Finch Color is dependent on the amount of carotenoid pigments found in food sources 97% vegetarian Will drink nectar Attracted to water Will return to same area to breed
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Slide 8 - Northern Flicker Prefer to eat ants Love peanuts and seeds too Tongue 2-3 times longer than bill Tongue retracts into skull behind right eyeball
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Slide 10 - American Goldfinch Latest nester of birds – late June to July Use thistle down in their nests Completely molt feathers twice yearly Favorite food is niger (thistle) Will readily accept and eat sunflower chips Love purple coneflower seeds
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Slide 12 - Pine Siskin Most common winter finch at feeders Natural foods are hemlocks, alders, birches and cedars Irruptions occur every 3-4 years Prefer niger, black oil sunflower and chips
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Slide 14 - Mourning Dove One of few species of birds that suck water up instead of trickling down Monogamous during breeding season Male incubate eggs during hot part of day 1 of most abundant birds - 400 million in fall Large crop allows large amounts of seed to be eaten
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Slide 16 - American Robin Found throughout North America Some robins stay north throughout the winter Robins migrate in flocks Attracted to open lawns and gardens with mature shrubs and trees Eat insects and berries They LOVE water
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Slide 18 - House Sparrow Introduced from England in 1851 Are now on all continents except Antarctica Prefer to feed on the ground Adapt anywhere there are humans One of three unprotected birds
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Slide 20 - European Starling Introduced from Europe in 1891 Negatively impacted bluebirds, woodpeckers and Purple Martins Mimic other birds calls Return to same nest cavity year after year Eat insects, fruit and seeds Not a protected bird
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Slide 22 - Red-Winged Blackbird Will increase feeding rate to match others Will fiercely defend territory Most polygamous of all birds Typically raise one brood per year Partial migrator Do not like safflower seed
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Slide 24 - Black-capped Chickadee Found in more wooded areas Primarily insect eater during breeding, ½ insects ½ seeds rest of time Generally monogamous, mating for life Cavity nesters Will visit feeders, 75-80% of foods from natural sources
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Slide 26 - Red-breasted Nuthatch One toe faces backward to allow downward climbing Aggressive defender of nesting cavity Likes sunflower and will hide it in tree bark Earliest species to begin migrating in summer/fall Also eat suet
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Slide 28 - Downy Woodpecker Eat at least 44 different types of insects Air bubbles in skulls act as shock absorbers Use stiff tail feathers to prop against trees Very long retractable tongue Eats peanuts, sunflowers, suet in winter
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Slide 30 - California Quail Prefer mixed seeds of millet and cracked corn Can fly but prefer to walk Broods combine to form large coveys Ground nesters mostly Roost in spruce trees if available
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Slide 32 - Song Sparrow Most common and widespread sparrow Adult males perform 6-20 different melodies They sing throughout the year Prefer to feed on the ground Will visit feeders, especially like millet Rarely feeds in flocks