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Anxiety Management PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Anxiety Management Skills Student Counselling Service NUIG
Slide 2 - Anxiety Management Courses The Student Counselling Service offer students a free course of anxiety management skills each semester The course is restricted to 12 students to allow for discussion and mutual support The group meets for one and a half hours weekly for 4 weeks Confidentiality is required from all participants This presentation outlines the approach used:
Slide 3 - What is Anxiety? Anxiety symptoms occur in three clusters: As physical tension and unease, at its most severe in panic symptoms As emotional turmoil, overwhelmed, feeling wired or stressed out As mental anguish, or rumination, which is the inability to switch off worrying thoughts
Slide 4 - For Anxiety Management to be effective It must provide management skills that deal with the symptoms in Body Emotions Thinking Although all three symptom clusters are involved in anxiety, it is common for one type of symptom to predominate
Slide 5 - Managing Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Physical symptoms of tension are always present in anxiety even when the person is only aware of mental agitation or worry Reducing the level of physical tension always has a positive impact on emotional or mental stress and anxiety
Slide 6 - Physical Anxiety: Arousal of the Sympathetic Nervous System This is the same mechanism which is responsible for the primitive fight or flight survival response and it gives rise to symptoms such as: Pulse racing, heart thumping, palpitations Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dizziness Sweaty palms, dry mouth Rise or fall in body temperature Muscular tension in jaw neck and spine, headaches Weakness in legs Agitation, clenching and pain in stomach
Slide 7 - Managing the body However complex the pattern of anxiety, simple, physically based techniques, which, if practised consistently, can significantly improve the symptoms Regulating eating, drinking, sleeping and activity patterns also have an important role Learning and practising Deep abdominal Breathing, Relaxation and Mindful awareness provide valuable and effective tools for managing and reducing stress and anxiety
Slide 8 - Managing Emotional Anxiety Anxiety symptoms are heightened when emotional issues are not dealt with and learning to communicate emotions and seek support can alleviate anxiety Lack of assertiveness can contribute to anxiety and learning to have good boundaries and look after personal needs are useful skill sets to develop Perfectionism is a character trait that is frequently associated with anxiety and finding ways to tolerate “good enough” are encouraged
Slide 9 - Managing Mental Anxiety Techniques to reduce Rumination, and worrying are taught such as: Interrupting rumination Thought replacement and positive self talk Developing a container for worries Substitution of action for worry
Slide 10 - Resources Anxiety occurs when the ratio of fun and satisfaction in life is less than the internal and external stressors Increasing known healthy pleasures and satisfactions and developing new ones will always be an important part of managing anxiety
Slide 11 - Finally: If you suffer from stress and anxiety Help is available. Contact the Student Counselling Service for an appointment or for information about the Anxiety Management Group 5 Distillery Road (near AIB bank, Newcastle Road) 091 492484 counselling@nuigalway.ie http://www.nuigalway.ie/student_services/counsellors