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Antiseptics and Disinfectants PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Antiseptics & Disinfectants
Slide 2 - Antiseptics
Slide 3 - Antiseptics and disinfectants Antiseptic Substance used to treat a person to prevent the occurrence of infection Disinfectant Substance used to treat materials or equipment to remove or inactivate sources of infection
Slide 4 - Origins of antiseptics Ignaz Semmelweis (1818 - 1865) Hungarian physician working in Vienna Realised that cross contamination was causing a high incidence of death after childbirth He made doctors wash hands in chloride of lime before touching patients Dramatically reduced incidence of childbed fever Met much opposition from medical establishment Practice stopped when he retired and deaths went up.
Slide 5 - Origins of antiseptics Semmelweis was not alone in his observations A Scottish naval surgeon, Alexander Gordon and an American, Oliver Wendell Holmes made similar observations and proposed similar remedies and there were others as well All were ignored and many women died unnecessarily in childbirth as a result It needed a parallel discovery, of micro-organisms as causative agents of disease for the basic ideas to be taken seriously.
Slide 6 - Origins of antiseptics Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912) Realised that deaths from operations mostly occurred from infection contracted during the operation as a result of unclean practices. He started using Carbolic acid (phenol) during operations to maintain aseptic conditions with significant improvements Like Semmelweiss he initially encountered opposition, but use of his methods by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 provided his major breakthrough and over the next 10 years, the practise of aseptic surgery became accepted. For more information on Lister go to http://web.ukonline.co.uk/b.gardner/Lister.html
Slide 7 - Sources of antiseptics Early antiseptics were probably vegetable extracts Many spices contain antibacterial agents Essential oils extracted from plants often have antibacterial properties Lister used carbolic acid which chemically is a solution of phenol Phenol was originally extracted from coal tar. Coal tar preparations are still used today in therapeutic soaps and shampoos.
Slide 8 - Coal tar distillation Coal tar is a complex mixture rich in aromatic compounds These are first separated by distillation Phenol is found in the carbolic oil and is recovered by further distillation and washing with slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) solution Nowadays phenol is produced by chemical synthesis.
Slide 9 - Phenol Phenol, or carbolic acid was one of the first antiseptics it contains a six-membered ring of carbon and hydrogen atoms Such compounds are known as aromatic The other important part of the phenol molecule is the OH group attached to the ring. Such Compounds are known as alcohols Thus Phenol is an aromatic alcohol
Slide 10 - Properties of phenol Although phenol is technically an alcohol, it behaves differently from other alcohols It is able to ionise when dissolved in water This gives it some of the properties of an acid Hence its old name “Carbolic acid”
Slide 11 - Phenol as an antiseptic The phenol molecule comprises an ionisable part and a hydrocarbon part In other words, the molecule resembles those of detergents with hydrophyllic and hydrophobic parts This is the key to phenol’s action as an antiseptic. The OH is the hydrophyllic part and the hydrocarbon ring the hydrophobic part
Slide 12 - Phenol as an antiseptic Phenol acts as an antiseptic, at least in part, because of its detergent properties It solubilises the materials that make up the cell membrane, thus disrupting the cell membrane. Its action is similar to that of cationic surfactants It is able to replace phospholipids in the cell wall, thus disrupting them
Slide 13 - Problems with phenol Phenol is a caustic substance and reacts with tissue causing damage. The maximum concentration permitted in proprietary preparations is 1% At these concentrations, phenol acts as a bacteriostat i.e. it reduces bacterial growth, but does not kill the bacteria A substance that kills bacteria is a bacteriocide
Slide 14 - Alternatives to phenol A number of other phenolic compounds exist which can act as effectively, if not more so than phenol but are less hazardous One of the simplest is catechol which contains an extra CH3 group Others include Derivatives of resorcinol (has two OH groups) thymol Various chlorinated compounds
Slide 15 - Disinfectants
Slide 16 - Chlorine Discovered 1774 by a Swede, C.W. Scheele It is a pale green, toxic, reactive gas It is a powerful irritant and toxin Used as a gas warfare agent in WWI very nasty, inflicting lifelong damage on those who survived The damaged lungs were possibly a factor in the 1918 flu pandemic Solution of chlorine in water is both a powerful bleach and disinfectant Semmelweis had used chloride of lime as his antiseptic
Slide 17 - Chlorine disinfectants Chlorine is soluble in water forming a weak acid Cl2 + H2O ó HOCl + Cl- + H+ Resulting solution is an effective bleaching agent and disinfectant The active agent is the HOCl (hypochlorous acid) Solution not particularly stable & Gradually loses Cl2 HOCl is attacked by UV
Slide 18 - Chlorine disinfectants Dissolve Chlorine in NaOH or KOH, and the solution is more stable Cl2 + 2OH- ó OCl- + Cl- + H2O Most bleach based disinfectants are solutions of sodium hypochlorite If dissolved in acid, sodium hypochlorite liberates chlorine gas H+ + HOCl + Cl- ó Cl2 + H2O
Slide 19 - Action of hypochlorite HOCl is said to be an “active” chlorine compound It will chlorinate organic compounds HOCl attacks the peptide bond which joins together amino acids in proteins This weakens the bond and destroys the protein.
Slide 20 - Other chlorine disinfectants React hypochlorite with ammonia gives chloramine NH3 + HOCl ó NH2Cl + H2O This is unstable, but replaced a hydrogen by an organic group, R; R-NHCl gives a series of useful disinfectants When dissolved in water, will liberate HOCl fairly slowly making them controllable and more useful for medical applications. Note: If the Cl is attached directly to the carbon atom, the chlorine is not active, but produces useful solvents.
Slide 21 - Other disinfectants Chlorine gas is used to disinfect drinking water Contentious, but safe in suitable doses Can cause taint of the water Iodine is chemically related to chlorine and has proved a useful antiseptic. Generally best as KI in alcohol solution (tincture of iodine) HOI is more active than HOCl, so alcohol solution reduces activity.
Slide 22 - Quaternary ammonium compounds These are cationic surfactants do not have particularly powerful cleaning properties, though are be used as fabric softeners Structurally similar to phospholipids in cell membranes Natural quat is choline which is found in phospholipids Quats disrupt the cell membrane Useful antiseptics, but cannot be taken internally disrupt blood cell membranes Widely used in the food industry
Slide 23 - Choline & Phospholipids Choline Phospholipid
Slide 24 - Activity Phenol is a hazardous substance Find out what hazards phenol poses and how these may be avoided or dealt with Other phenolic compound effective as antiseptics include thymol, hexachlorophane, chloroxylenol, and trichlorophenol Find the chemical formula of these How effective are these as antiseptics? Some are the basis of proprietary antiseptics. Can you find their names?