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Animal Testing PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Animal Testing powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Animal Testing in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Animal Testing These icons indicate that teacher’s notes or useful web addresses are available in the Notes Page. For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presentation. This icon indicates the slide contains activities created in Flash. These activities are not editable.
Slide 2 - What do you think?
Slide 3 - What is animal testing?
Slide 4 - Animal testing and genetics Creating a cloned embryo to produce the cells would mean that the patient would not reject the transplant or need anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life. Most scientists say that they would not create a full human being but produce ‘stem cells’ in the laboratory so that they can be grown into any particular organ that someone needs. Cloning animals will lead to the possibility of cloning humans. Sometimes scientists genetically manipulate animals as a first step to experimenting with humans.
Slide 5 - The law
Slide 6 - Does animal testing work?
Slide 7 - Is animal testing right?
Slide 8 - The debate There is to be a TV debate about testing on animals for medical research. In groups of three, use the information you have gathered so far to plan a debate. One of you is the chair, one is against testing and one agrees that testing is a good idea. Remember you are discussing animal testing for medical research not cosmetics.
Slide 9 - Peaceful protests?
Slide 10 - The Christian view Christians believe that animals are part of God’s creation and should be respected. All Christians are against cruelty to animals but some do see experiments for medical research as a necessary evil. God made man ‘in His image’. Many Christian scientists believe that God gave them the brains and abilities to find cures for humans by experimenting on animals and to not use these abilities would be denying God’s plan for them.
Slide 11 - In Genesis God told Adam to ‘rule over’ all living creatures. To many Christians this implies that God created humans as superior to animals and so man can use animals in experiments as long as it is done for the right reasons and with proper care. Jesus said ‘Look at the birds of the air…are you not much more valuable than they?’ Some Christians say that this gives them the right to use animals in experiments because humans are of more value. When God created the world and all that is in it he saw that ‘it was good’. Some say that this means we should not experiment on animals because they are a part of God’s wonderful creation.
Slide 12 - What the Christian Churches think
Slide 13 - Islam and animal testing
Slide 14 - Judaism and animal testing
Slide 15 - Hinduism and animal testing
Slide 16 - An example Andrew was 20 when he was diagnosed with cancer and told he only had a couple of years to live. When his time was almost up he was offered a new treatment. It had been tested on animals but not humans and they needed human volunteers. Andrew agreed. His condition improved for quite a long time but then began to get worse. Andrew died two weeks after his 26th birthday. Andrew had four extra years with his family. He knew that the treatment probably would not save his life but believed that it was a step on the way and his experiences might lead to a cure in the future. That could never have happened without animal testing.
Slide 17 - Were the doctors right to experiment on animals to find the treatment? Would your answer be different if Andrew was a relative or friend of yours? What do you think?
Slide 18 - Have you changed your view?