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Slide 1 - Biodiesel: A Policy Choice for Minnesota? Douglas G. Tiffany College of Agricultural, Food , and Environmental Sciences November 30, 2001
Slide 2 - Economic Considerations for Biodiesel Farm Level Sustainability Costs to Produce Biodiesel from Soy Oil Retrospective Price History of Biodiesel Potential Economic Impacts for MN Incentive Programs: Current and Proposed Conclusions and Questions
Slide 3 - Sustainability Issues
Slide 4 - From the Avg. MN Soybean Acre: 45 bushels X 60 lb. = 2700 lb. Crush 2700 lb. : 540 lb. of soyoil 2160 lb. of soybean meal 540 lb. soyoil + 108 lb. of methanol = 70.13 gal. biodiesel/A. 45 bushels of soybeans produced = 43 lb. glycerine/A.
Slide 5 - One Acre (45 bu.) of MN Soybeans Requires 7.4 gal. of Diesel to Produce Yields 70.1 gal. of Biodiesel, following other energy inputs Yields 2160 lb. of soybean meal Yields 43 lb. of glycerine
Slide 6 - Energy Accounting Production of Soybeans Imbedded Energy in Seed Imbedded Energy in Fertilizer Imbedded Energy in Chemicals Explicit Fuel Energy in Tillage, Harvesting, Transportation
Slide 7 - Energy of Processing/Distribution Energy in Crushing/Extracting Energy in Stabilizing Soyoil Necessity? Non-Food Grade Oil? Energy to Transesterify Vegetable Oil Energy to Transport
Slide 8 - Sustainability, Energy Security Energy Balance is Greater for Biodiesel (3.24) than Ethanol (1.25). Reductions in GHG and Tailpipe emissions Closed-Loop Cycle of Carbon Dioxide Home-Grown, not Subject to Terrorism or Embargoes
Slide 9 - Costs to Produce Biodiesel
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Slide 11 - FAPRI Models Predict: Ten year average price of Soybean Oil at $.17 per pound. Translates to Biodiesel derived from soy oil around $1.66 per gallon.
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Slide 13 - Source: Dr. Shaine Tyson
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Slide 15 - Price Affects of Biodiesel Blends 2%
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Slide 17 - Low-Sulfur Diesel and Lubricity In 2006 sulfur content of diesel fuel will be lowered from 500 ppm to 15 ppm $.045-$.05 higher cost per gal. by EPA $.078-$.106 higher cost/ gal. by Am. Petro. Inst In 2007 diesel engines will have catalytic convertors to burn more cleanly $1200-1900 more cost/ engine by EPA (Sulfur would make catalytic convertors fail.) Diesel fuel w/o sulfur loses lubricity, hastens wear on injection pumps, however, 2% Biodiesel blends restore lubricity.
Slide 18 - Possibilities f/ MN Soybeans
Slide 19 - Source: Tiffany & Fruin Destinations of MN Soybeans in 1999
Slide 20 - MN Vegetable Oil Possibilities MN has “surplus” soy oil in state after crushing beans to satisfy soybean meal demand. MN crushed 34% of 1999 crop to feed livestock. MN consumers utilized 42.8% of the oil released by the crush of soybeans, BUT just 13% of oil of MN crop. ( 91.4# of all fats and oils per capita) Remainder soy oil crushed in state could make 77,890,860 gallons of biodiesel or 9.7% of MN diesel usage. MN would require 16 million gal. biodiesel for 2% blend 40 million gal. biodiesel for 5% blend
Slide 21 - If all MN soybeans were crushed in the state, we would get------ Soy Oil of 3.34 Billion pounds Minus .45 Billion pounds used in MN/cap. Could make 375 million gal. of biodiesel, 47% of MN annual total usage. MN uses 800 million gal. of diesel annually 550 million gallons on-road 250 million gallons off-road
Slide 22 - Economic Impacts for MN National Price Increase for Soybeans (U.S.D.A.) $.17 / bu. price increase of soybeans for each of ten years with increase from 24 - 377 Million Gal. of Biodiesel. (U.S. Tot. production 30 Mill.gal.) Greater Increase in MN soybean prices because of higher basis levels and surplus supplies of soy oil. U.S.-13,000 jobs– farm, food proc., mfg, service Slightly higher costs for blends if no reduction in Federal Diesel Excise Tax 1.7 cents per gal. @ 2% blend 4.7 cents per gal. @ 5% blend
Slide 23 - Biodiesel Initiatives: Current & Proposed Bioenergy Program C.C.C. payments for new capacity $.85-$1.17/gal. EPAct Credits for Fleet Usage Proposed Federal Diesel Excise Tax Reduction Proposal Would Transfer Loan Deficiency Payments to Lower Diesel Excise Taxes National Renewable Standard ( S. 1006) includes biomass fuels and biogas (.8% in 2002, to 5% by 2016) State Mandates, City or Regional Transit
Slide 24 - Research Identifying Attributes and New Uses for Biodiesel
Slide 25 - Conclusions: Regarding Biodiesel Biodiesel Has Excellent Performance Attributes. Lubricity, Cetane, Miscibility, Stability, Emissions Emerging Uses by Aircraft, Microturbines Encouragement at Federal Level Is Crucial. Good Timing w/ Ultra-Low Sulfur Levels (2006) Air Quality, Health Concerns of Public. Biodiesel Development Fits MN W/ Surplus Oil. There Are Advantages for MN as Trend-Setter.
Slide 26 - Questions for Doug Tiffany: Phone: (612) 625-6715 E-mail: dtiffany@dept.agecon.umn.edu Websites: http://agecon.lib.umn.edu/mn/p01-04.pdf www.biodiesel.org