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Alexander the Great PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Alexander the Great Hellenism and the Clash of Cultures
Slide 2 - Collapse of Classical Greece While Sparta and Athens bickered in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E., Macedonia’s power grew. 338 B.C.E., Philip II (382-336 B.C.E.), King of Macedonia, marches south and devastates the Athenian army. Proceeds to conquer all other Greek city states (except Sparta) and unifies Greek-speaking people for first time in their history. Plans an invasion of Persia, but is assassinated.
Slide 3 - Philip II’s (ABOVE) conquest of Greece.
Slide 4 - Alexander the Great Philip’s son, Alexander (356-323 B.C.E.) ascends to throne. Conquers, Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, Persia, western India. Dies of disease in 323 without an heir. Empire divided among his powerful generals.
Slide 5 - Mosaic, Alexander the Great (left) battling the Persian emperor Darius III.
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Slide 8 - Alexander’s empire is divided into Seleucid, Antigonid, and Seleucid empires. Lesser generals will claim territory in Greece, and the Indian Mauryan Empire will assume control of western India.
Slide 9 - Spread of Greek Culture Hellenism (from Ἕλλην [Héllēn]: “imitating Greek culture”), Greek culture, is spread across Alexander’s empire and its remnants. Greek language, art, science spreads from Egypt to Palestine to Persia to India. Greeks also influenced by eastern cultures: clash of cultures in some cases.
Slide 10 - Greek Language Trade increased throughout the empire and Greek became the language of trade. People in cities across region either speak Greek only or Greek and their native language. Significance of having a common language in a polyglot society?
Slide 11 - Greek-inspired Art Greek sculptors traveled all over the Hellenistic world for patrons. Cities in Seleucid Persia began to look like Athens or Corinth. Gymnasiums, baths, theaters, temples. Movement away from idealism to emotionalism and realism. Statues of old women, drunks, and children.
Slide 12 - Doryphoros, an example of Classical Greek art. Old Market Woman, example of post-Classical Hellenistic art.
Slide 13 - Greek-style Buddha’s from India. LEFT: Buddha in a Greek toga. RIGHT: Greek-style bust of the Buddha.
Slide 14 - In this relief from Vajrapani, a bodhisattva protector of the Buddha, is depicted as Hercules.
Slide 15 - Greek-style Buddhist stupa in Sirkap in modern Pakistan.
Slide 16 - Images of Greek coins featuring Tyche, goddess of luck and fortune (top left), Zeus, king of the gods (top right), Nicias, an Athenian politician (bottom left), and Menander II, an Indo-Greek king (bottom right). What do you notice about these images? Images of Greek deities and people making the Vitarka Mudra gesture from Buddhism indicating discussion or transmission.
Slide 17 - Science and Philosophy Science begins to separate from philosophy during Hellenistic period. Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 B.C.E.) becomes prominent mathematician and inventor. Archimedean screw, specific gravity, levers, pulleys. Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) and Zeno (335-263 B.C.E.) Epicureanism: people should follow self-interests and pleasure; happiness; separation from world. Stoicism: people should search for harmony and supreme peace; happiness; participation in the world.
Slide 18 - Epicurus Zeno Greek Buddhas?