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About ANIMALS PowerPoint Presentation

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About ANIMALS Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Who among you have pet at home? What pet did you have? How did you care your pet?
Slide 2 - Animals
Slide 3 - What are common animals found in your locality? 3
Slide 4 - worm horse chicken ant dog carabao fishes duck
Slide 5 - Animals Body Parts and Their Functions
Slide 6 - Most animals of the same kind have same body parts. But their body parts differ in size, shape, color and functions. The body parts of animals are related to their function, movement, habitat and food getting.
Slide 7 - Body parts of some common animals : Dogs have they same body parts. But they differ in appearance, body size and color, length and texture of fur and hair. head body tail legs
Slide 8 - The long hind of a frog are used for jumping. Its webbed feet enable them to move in water. Its long and sticky tongue is used to catch its prey. body webbed foot fore leg hind leg
Slide 9 - BIRDS only animals with feathers. They have wings that enable them to fly. Their wings differ in size and shape. The shape of birds is related to the way it flies. The birds legs and feet allow it to walk and run and even climb trees or grasp and kill its prey. The birds beak helps it to get its food or catch its prey. beak leg feet wing
Slide 10 - The fish has fins and a streamlined body for swimming. It has gills for breathing. It has scales that covers its body and protect it from injury. body head gills tail fins
Slide 11 - Label the body parts of animals. Use the list of body parts in the box. head tail leg body head leg body tail
Slide 12 - 3. gills tail body head fins Fins Body Head Tail gills head Beak Leg Foot Wing head
Slide 13 - hind leg body webbed foot fore leg wings beak feet leg
Slide 14 - For sensing Animals like humans have sense organs. They use their eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin to sense things around them.
Slide 15 - Antennae is the body part that can be used for feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting. ant bugs flies beetles mosquito crickets butterfly
Slide 16 - For movement Animals move from one place to another to look for food and to escape from danger. animals with strong legs and feet walk and run.
Slide 17 - Most insect have wings and legs. They fly and walk flies bugs beetles bats birds
Slide 18 - Animals have flippers like whales, penguins and marine turtle also swim.
Slide 19 - For food getting All animals need food in order to live. The mouth of the animal is adapted to the kind of food it gets and eats.
Slide 20 - They have flat teeth toward the back of the mouth. They used their flat teeth for crushing and chewing grass
Slide 21 - Animals with strong jaws and pointed teeth:
Slide 22 - Birds do not have teeth. They have beaks that they use for picking grains or cracking nuts.
Slide 23 - For protection Animals have body covering that protect them from heat and cold. Animals like dogs and cat have fur.
Slide 24 - Birds have feathers and fish have scales. Other animals like turtles, crabs and snails have shells.
Slide 25 - How do animals protect themselves?
Slide 26 - Animals must protect themselves against other animals in order for them to survive. Some animals hide when they sense that there is a danger. Their colors make them look like a part of their surroundings. Because of this, they cannot be seen easily. Animals with long legs get away from danger by running as fast as they can. Other animals with long legs fight their attackers’ wit their body parts.
Slide 27 - Horse can bite or kick their enemies. Carabao and goats use their horns. Wild pigs use their tusks.
Slide 28 - Cats and dogs use their teeth and claws. Some snake attack their enemies with poison fangs. Insect such as ants, wasps, and bees inject poison with their stinger.
Slide 29 - Squids squirt black fluid so they cannot be seen. Crabs use their pincer to fights any attackers.
Slide 30 - Below are the names of some animals and some of their body parts. Write whether the part is for movement, food getting, body cover, sensing or protection. Animals Function Body Parts 1. carabao horns legs beak 2. crab pincers antennas claws 3. eagle
Slide 31 - Animal Habitat Animals live everywhere. An animals living place is called habitat.
Slide 32 - Animals in the forest wild animals 32
Slide 33 - On Land Animals live on land are called terrestrial animals. These animals live in mountains, deserts, grassland, caves, and forest.
Slide 34 - Small and large birds are also found in the forest They make their homes on branches or in tree trunks. Some eat fruits and seeds. Others eat other animals. 34
Slide 35 - Butterflies and bees live in the garden They fly from flower to flower to get nectar, which is their foods 35
Slide 36 - Some animals live on snow-covered lands They have very thick fur, which protect them from the cold. Many of these animals have short ears and tails which keep them from losing much heat. . 36
Slide 37 - Some animals sleep underground during cold season. They wake up when the cold season is over. They do not eat during long sleep. This is because they had already eaten much before the cold season came and had stored much fat in their bodies. 37
Slide 38 - Some animals live in the desert or in hot plain rabbit 38 camel mice fox
Slide 39 - In water Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. They live in the oceans, ponds, coral reefs, rivers and lakes. Their body parts are adapted to their habitat. They have scale to protect their body. They have fins and tails that enable them to swim. They have gills so they can breath to the water. They have teeth for catching their foods. 39
Slide 40 - Some animals live in water have tubelike bodies. This tubelike body is used for moving, breathing, feeding and sensing jellyfish starfish eel
Slide 41 - On Land and In Water Can you name animals that live on land and water? 41
Slide 42 - TURTLES and FROG They have short legs that they can use to walk on land. They have webbed feet and tail for swimming in water 42
Slide 43 - FROGS and TOADS They have webbed feet that enable them to swim. They have strong hind legs to leap and hop when they are on land. 43
Slide 44 - Crocodiles They have short legs and webbed feet. They use their feet to walk on land. They can also swim using their feet and tail. 44
Slide 45 - List five animals in each habitat. Land Water Land and Water Example dog fish turtle
Slide 46 - Basic needs of animals Animals are living things that grow and develop. What do animals do in order to live and grow? Animals, like human, needs food, water, shelter, air, care, and protection in order to live and grow.
Slide 47 - Animals eat their food raw. If a carnivore is hungry, it will kill an animal and eat its meat uncooked. Humans may eat fruits and vegetables. Humans need a balanced diet to be healthy and strong. Animals need shelter. Humans live in their homes. But most animals live in their natural habitat. Animals need cared and protection. Some animals are helpless at birth and need care from their parents. They stay with their mother for protection. Mammals like humans feed their young with their milk.
Slide 48 - Caring for animals Animals are our good friends. How can we take care of them?
Slide 49 - Here are some ways you can show attention and love to your pets: Provide your pet with a balanced diet and clean water. Give your pet a proper shelter. Bathe your pet at least once a week. Keep your pet indoors. Take your pet to a veterinarian for regular check ups.
Slide 50 - 6. Give your pet enough exercise. 7. Protect your pets from fleas and ticks. 8. Protect your animals from poisoning.
Slide 51 - Thanks for listening…