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National Air Quality Index PowerPoint Presentation

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National Air Quality Index Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - National Air Quality Index (How healthy is the air we breathe?) AQI = 230; Poor Responsible Pollutant: PM10 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Sponsored by : Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi
Slide 2 - Are we affected by poor AQ? The very young are at risk Lungs are not fully developed Faster breathing rate: more air volume/body weight The very old are at risk Undiagnosed lung or heart diseases Pollution can exacerbate these conditions Persons with chronic illnesses: Respiratory, circulatory, or cardiac diseases Yes, EVERYONE! Even healthy persons can be affected when they exercise outdoors, or if the concentration of pollutants is very high
Slide 3 - How do we know if Air Quality is poor? AQI is an overall scheme that transforms individual air pollutant (e.g. SO2, CO, PM10) levels into a single number, which is a simple and lucid description of air quality for the citizens. AQI relates to health impacts and citizens can avoid the unnecessary exposure to air pollutants; AQI indicates compliance with National Air Quality Standards; AQI prompts local authorities to take quick actions to improve air quality; AQI guides policy makers to take broad decisions; and AQI encourages citizens to participate in air quality management.
Slide 4 - Pollutants Considered for AQI and Air Quality Standards
Slide 5 - Development of Aggregate AQI
Slide 6 - Sub-indices to AQI Air Quality Index AQI AQI = Max [I1, I2,..,In] Internationally Accepted Scheme
Slide 7 - AQI Categories and Range [Colour, Category, AQI Number]
Slide 8 - AQI categories and breakpoint concentrations with averaging times (units: µg/m3 unless mentioned otherwise) *One hourly monitoring (for mathematical calculation only)
Slide 9 - AQI: Health Impacts The higher the AQI, greater the air pollution and health concerns
Slide 10 - Web-based AQI dissemination
Slide 11 - Summary AQI: Based on Indian Air Quality Standards Important tool for public information and participation; real-time and transparent Public health protection Trigger actions by regulatory agencies Time-bound action plan and implementation Continuous monitoring of Air Quality status