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How to regain healthy hair PowerPoint Presentation

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How to regain healthy hair Presentation Transcript

Slide 2 - STEP 1. TRIM It is always a difficult task to say a goodbye to your long tresses, however, the longer you keep them the more they tend to get damaged. Even expert Trichology doctors from the field suggest trimming your hair at least once in two months.
Slide 3 - STEP 2. EAT HEALTHY You should know that your hair is a reflection of your health. Eating a lot of junk food eventually makes your hair appear dry and unhealthful. Try eating and drinking healthy, as doing so will help regain your hair’s good texture.
Slide 4 - STEP 3. QUIT WASHING IT EVERY DAY We all love to have clean and fragrant hair, however, washing your hair on a daily basis will drain away all its natural oils making your hair brittle and dry. You could try washing your hair every alternate day or you could use only conditioner at some times.
Slide 5 - STEP 4. STOP USING STYLING TOOLS Using styling tools such as straighteners, curlers, blow dryers, crimpers, etc. terribly damage your hair. Whatever the reason is… always remember the fact that the lesser you use these tools, the healthier will your hair appear.
Slide 6 - STEP 5. AVOID USING COLOR Of course, we all love to have a little fun with our hair, but when you know your hair is not at its healthy best, you need to slow down a bit. Stop and think…
Slide 7 - Thank You !!
Slide 8 - For more information, you can contact us at: Email: medecure@gmail.com Phone: +91 22 61709000 Website: http://www.medecure.comhttps://www.facebook.com/medecure https://twitter.com/medecureheals https://www.linkedin.com/company/medecure medeCure - Connecting Patients with Doctors