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5 Major Benefits of Industrial Wastewater Treatment PowerPoint Presentation

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5 Major Benefits of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - 5 Major Benefits of Industrial Wastewater Treatment JNB Laboratories
Slide 2 - The waste that is discharged travels down to rivers and seas. As it can be seen, inappropriate treatment proves to be severely harmful for our and environmental health. The industrial water treatment not only provides clean drinkable water, but also has some other great benefits to offer. It has the potential to enhance a country’s energy production from methane harvesting, reduce waste production, and produce natural fertilizers from the collected wastes. Let’s explore these individual benefits in more details. Reduction in waste In the wastewater treatment process, the amount of waste that is normally dumped in the environment is reduced. By doing so, the industries play a wide role in reducing the health risks linked with environmental pollution, and reducing the water loss occurring through water pollution.
Slide 3 - Money saving A well-operated industrial wastewater treatment system reduces the money spent by a country on long-term environmental rehabilitation projects. It also ensures your compliance with country’s legislation and regulations.
Slide 4 - Energy production The sludge accumulated during the treatment process is further processed as it contains a large concentration of biodegradable materials. This sludge is treated with anaerobic bacteria in special completely enclosed digesters which are heated to about 35 degrees Celsius. It is an area where these microorganisms are able to thrive and grow without the presence of oxygen. The gas produced concluding this process contains a significant amount of methane, which is later harvested and burned to create electricity. The cycle can be continued by using the energy produced to power the water treatment plants making them self-operational. In case the electricity is produced in huge amount, then it can also be transported into a country’s national grid line. This approach benefits in less reliance on non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels, which eventually reduces a country’s carbon usage and the expenditure spent on energy production.
Slide 5 - Fertilizer production Any remaining biodegradable materials are dried in “drying lagoons” and are then converted into natural fertilizers. These freshly made fertilizers are mostly used in agricultural sector, increasing crop outputs. This benefits in decreasing the use of chemical fertilizers that pollute the environment’s ecosystems and marine life. Provides clean and processed water The idea may not seem instantly understandable, but wastewater can be turned into safe water. The treatment process removes any impurities and toxicity from the water making it clean and drinkable. Naturally, it takes quite a time for water to evaporate in air and rain to filter out the toxins, whereas, the wastewater treatment speeds up the process.
Slide 6 - This information shared by JNB Laboratories. Contact Us: Address: JJNB Laboratories LLC PO Box 882 Newtown, PA 18940 Phone: 215-485-0226 Website: http://www.jnblabs.com