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Enzymes-Models Of Action PowerPoint Presentation

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Enzymes-Models Of Action Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Enzyme Action Learning objective: to describe different models for enzyme action and to investigate factors which control the rate of an enzyme reaction 18th October
Slide 2 - Lock and Key
Slide 3 - Lock and Key However certain substances can bind to the enzyme at sites other than the Active site and modify its activity (inhibitors/co-factors) Idea that the enzyme is flexible
Slide 4 - Induced Fit
Slide 5 - Enzyme reactions enzyme + substrate enzyme-substrate complex
Slide 6 - Enzyme reactions enzyme + substrate enzyme-substrate complex E +S ES
Slide 7 - Enzyme reactions enzyme + product enzyme-substrate complex E +P ES enzyme + substrate enzyme-substrate complex E +S ES
Slide 8 - Enzyme activity How fast an enzyme is working Rate of Reaction
Slide 9 - Enzyme activity How fast an enzyme is working Rate of Reaction Rate of Reaction = Amount of substrate changed (or amount product formed) in a given period of time.
Slide 10 - Rate of Reaction Enzyme activity Variable you are looking at
Slide 11 - Enzyme activity Four Variables
Slide 12 - Enzyme activity Four Variables Temperature pH Enzyme Concentration Substrate Concentration
Slide 13 - Rate of Reaction Temperature
Slide 14 - Rate of Reaction Temperature 0 20 30 50 10 40 60
Slide 15 - Rate of Reaction Temperature 0 20 30 50 10 40 60 40oC - denatures 5- 40oC Increase in Activity <5oC - inactive
Slide 16 - Effect of heat on enzyme activty If you heat the protein above its optimal temperature bonds break meaning the protein loses it secondary and tertiary structure
Slide 17 - Effect of heat on enzyme activty Denaturing the protein
Slide 18 - Effect of heat on enzyme activty Denaturing the protein ACTIVE SITE CHANGES SHAPE SO SUBSTRATE NO LONGER FITS Even if temperature lowered – enzyme can’t regain its correct shape
Slide 19 - Rate of Reaction pH
Slide 20 - Rate of Reaction pH 1 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9
Slide 21 - Rate of Reaction pH 1 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 Narrow pH optima
Slide 22 - Rate of Reaction pH 1 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 Narrow pH optima WHY?
Slide 23 - Rate of Reaction pH 1 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 Narrow pH optima Disrupt Ionic bonds - Structure Effect charged residues at active site
Slide 24 - Rate of Reaction Enzyme Concentration
Slide 25 - Rate of Reaction Enzyme Concentration Enzyme Concentration
Slide 26 - Rate of Reaction Substrate Concentration
Slide 27 - Rate of Reaction Substrate Concentration Substrate Concentration
Slide 28 - Rate of Reaction Substrate Concentration Substrate Concentration Active sites full- maximum turnover
Slide 29 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.